9.2 Datamining has begun

But we were told that certain souls had no hope of redemption. If it were possible to redeem every soul, why was the Maw ever needed?

Since we know there is an afterlife Engine, I bet we are sending Sylvanas to her own prison afterlife. Not a hell, but not a heaven either. Sort of a personal purgatory

…AKA she is put on ice.

it is possible the Arbiter controls what afterlives are created, which means ironically Zovval might of made what became his own prison.

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Pebrock is coping in the Wowhead twitch chat lol


They even said during (or after?) the quests with them that if their masters were to return they would fight us. An Garrosh pretty much, sort brought back Y’shaarj and they fought us in favor of one of their masters.

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I mean popularity didn’t stop Blizzard from killing the likes of Illidan in BC and Arthas in Wrath. Granted they brought Illidan back for Legion but he was very much dead til then. Though should Sylvanas be shelves like Illidan and Sargeras were, the only thing that I can think of happening is for her to become the new Jailer of the Maw. It would allow her to atone for helping ensure countless souls ended up there but also allow her to ensure that the wicked within wow hell can’t get a foothold and pick off where the Jailer left or begin their own crusades.

Meanwhile speaking of Arthas, anything on him yet?

It would 2000 and you know it.

I know but it didn’t make it any less sad.

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Only one if the Eternal One Prototypes will be fought according to Blizzard’s Interviews for 9.2: https://www.mmo-champion.com/content/?page=3…

Whichever we are beating to death should hopefully not be the Denathrius and Zovaal Prototypes. Revendreth and the Maw need symbols of power.

Denathrius Mark 1 should of course be subservient to the Court of Harvesters perhaps serving as head of Repairs and Zovaal Mark 1 should run the Maw in an efficient manner and perhaps be modified into a new appearance with Pain Death Energy extracted from Memories that Kyrian willingly discarded.

Incidentally the Revendreth Death Magic is officially called Blood… Blood is supposed to be Tortured Life Energy. Of course Danuser called Anima in general the Life Energy of the Shadowlands so…

Furthermore the Anima of Ardenweald is called Life… Life Death Magic…

It is getting tiring seeing arcs being set up but going nowhere. Saurfang helps Thrall rediscover his pride in the Horde, but then turns down Warchief and keeps self-doubting. Tyrande becomes the Night Warrior but Elune says “for reals, though?” and Tyrande goes “lol no, jk.” Sylvanas allies with the most stock-standard-blatantly-evil Superdevil/Lich King to "set us all…



… FReeeeEeee" but accomplishes nothing beyond getting a bunch of souls turned into Superdevil/Lichking food.

Baine and Bolvar aren’t even given arcs, they are just along for the ride to do nothing. Jaina does the opposite and just reverts to her pre-Cata version with a new 'do and outfit. Anduin might be the only character to have an interesting transformation, but I’m not convinced he won’t end this expac being exactly like he was before SL.

I’m just… I dunno. Why are we breaking characters and lore to watch this idiotic cast spin their tires for 2-5 years?


My mortal enemy.


Wait, so he becomes the Arbiter before the raid? And why would that make him lose his soul?

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Um… does Pelagos TURN INTO the new Arbiter?


Considering how much panic Kleia seems to be in I don’t think Pelogos will be taking this without a heavy price :thinking:

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Pelagos as an individual it seems gets erased to make the arbiter…

so that’s a thing, I guess


If Pelagos could never become an acolyte, was the Arbiter sending him to Bastion a flaw in her plan? Though, that would be nothing compared to Kel’thuzad getting sent to Maldraxxus.

Saying what? What could possibly be said in defense

The Dragon Prince writer is now defending the 9.2 story on Twitter on the basis that we cannot critique the story while also supporting the workers in their efforts against their corporate overlords

Because that’s how that works


It’s gonna be an awful next few months


Oh look it’s the “bury your gays” trope but magic WoW edition


(Seems to be a serious face).
Does this mean that the story of Dragon Prince can become the theater of the absurd?

So I bet at the least that means this Helm of the Arbiter thing works like the Helm of Domination, where once you put it on you are not you anymore.


Blizzard is all about the Stasis Quo in regards to Characters not to mention locales.

Our understanding of the world is about exploration to Blizzard’s mind not bringing about the Winds of Change.

ArenaNet is the Game Company that wants the Winds of Change to come to MMORPGs. Of course in ArenaNet’s case it unleashes Chaotic Winds of Change not Orderly Winds of Change.

Our Expectations concerning Mursaat? Replace them with Balthazar and kill off the last Mursaat in his only appearance.

Our Expectations concerning the Ministry of Purity? Kill them, the Am Fah & the original Jade Brotherhood off and leave Cantha more united then ever against the New Jade Brotherhood(obviously the Aetherblades of Scarlet Briar)!

Blizzard is about Order, Stasis and Discovery while ArenaNet is about Chaos, Change and Rediscovery!