9.2 Datamining has begun

Reminds me of The Nothing from Neverending story, except The Nothing was a villain.

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You know, I’d honestly be fine with a single pantheon of various tiers of gods and would have lesser gods be responsible for the races. Boring, yet simple.

But we’re past that point.


Zovaal’s Dungeon Journal Entry makes him weaker than Argus! That said Argus took down 6 Titans right before fighting us so that doesn’t make Zovaal any less Titan++ as it makes Argus Titan++++++!

Argus could wipe out all of existence(aside from Azeroth whom Sargeras was in the middle of corrupting) if uninterrupted while Zovaal has to manually bombard every planet to do the same! Zovaal is what the Void Lords are afraid of!? They are weaker than I thought!

The Void Lords would probably fear the Sith Emperor if he had access to the Sepulcher! The Sith Emperor is weaker than Argus and was able to be killed by a stab in the back(right before possessing the Outlander) and yet if he had the Sepulcher he would use it to array the Eternal Fleet to initiate a ritual to consume the entire WoW Universe including the Void Lords!

I’m in agreement about there being more to Dreadlords than was evident in the story we were shown. They were supposed to be the most cunning manipulators one could ever encounter, and yet 100% of the time we encounter them it is thwarting their scheme and killing them. I was always skeptical of Void Lords as presented, especially as they were pitched to Sargeras in order to drive him mad. How they were used in Shadowlands, in general, isn’t a point of contention for me this expansion. They manipulated, like they’re supposed to, on a grand scale, like they’re supposed to.

Problem is, they weren’t just taking advantage of existing hooks, they were rewriting official canon. Reign of Chaos/The Frozen Throne up through Wrath of the Lich King was a coherent story that encapsulated the peak of WoW and WC3’s storytelling. Now they muddy that by attempting to piggyback a new, bland discount Super-Lichking Thanos knockoff on top of it in a bid to lend cred to a floundering storyline that no one can follow because they won’t let anyone follow it. Zovaal being an annoying voice in the background for anyone wearing the Helm doesn’t really enhance the Lich King in a meaningful way. Mal’Ganis being caught off-guard by Arthas after he takes up Frostmourne doesn’t make sense. Sylvanas being a lapdog for the entity responsible for Arthas’ unholy crusade doesn’t make sense. Kel’Thuzad serving the Jailer all along before dying and becoming a Lich doesn’t make sense.

To me, this is some sort of cheap, retroactive Scooby Doo mask reveal without any setup. All those popular villains weren’t the actual villains, they were just pawns in Superdevil’s game of cosmic chess! What’s the point of that game of cosmic chess? No idea! Who needs motivation when you can copy/paste another “ALL WILL SERVE! REALITY WILL BURN! YOU’RE TOO LATE CHAMPIONS! ENOUGH! IMPOSSIBLE!” template, am I right?


I’m surprised we haven’t seen Magni for this patch. He’d be important to have around since we’re dealing with Azeroth/Azerite.

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Maybe he’ll sacrifice himself.

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That’s already a guy.

And a Blizzard guy to boot.

I can’t help but wonder if they be involved in 9.2 content or if the leaders will gather together after the raid has been finished to discuss matters. Like say the expansion ends, where it began with us and the faction leaders at Icecrown Citadel.

I don’t think the Void Lords are afraid of Zovaal. It’s more that if Death claims all of reality, then they can’t. Which is why they went all “Kill it, kill it, kill it” to Alleria when she met Sylvanas in the Three Sisters comics. They merely hoped to take out a champion of a rival and obstacle to their own goals.

Perhaps he and MOTHER will make a surprise appearance and use something within the Chamber of the Heart to blast Zovaal and his minions.

Not sure why Vereesa would be involved in those discussions, and Talanji or Khadgar wouldn’t.

I’d like to be cautiously optimistic that Lor’themar will get a face-to-face meeting with Kael’thas, and that Vereesa will be there just to talk to Sylvanas.


While it is possible they will simply be at some leadership meeting, they are also all characters with ties to large players in the Shadowlands story.

Calia, Lor’themar, Vereesa, Genn being new ones added into the ShL story, I imagine they probably will interact with Sylvanas in some way. Then obviously Tyrande, who is Maiev.

Then Thrall, Baine, Jaina, and Bolvar have been in the story since the start with Anduin/Sylvanas.

Taelia is there for Bolvar.

If there was some sort of finale/trial for Sylvanas I think we’d see more leaders…which is possible to still be added, but yeah. I’d love to see some sort of conversations between Sylvanas and Calia, same with Lor’themar and Vereesa.

I am kind of shocked Alleria wouldn’t be with Vereesa, but there is still time.


“This World-- is a prison”

Maybe what happens is; Zovaal will end up “freeing” Azeroth. He’ll shatter Aman’thul’s prison shield which has kept her locked away.

Azeroth will be born, pull the sword from the earth and fly towards Zovaal through the Azerite beam…


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That Warlock hood has to not be intentional right? I mean, that’s getting changed before it comes out, right?

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Did you see the comparisons to other historical white pointed hoods in the GD?


Oh, for sure, and I’ve seen threads complaining about it. One was deleted. The next is not going well.

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Literally just switch the black and the white parts of the set and it’s fine

I’ve gotten so much “if you seem racism you’re the REAL racist” takes today on Twitter lol


Someone made a thread about it and linked your twitter. They were making fun of you on GD.


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Oh that explains the weird racist takes I’ve gotten all day

Wonder if they linked Taliesin and Valarynn too

If not, wonder why :thinking::thinking::thinking::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle: truly a mystery :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::thinking::thinking: wonder what the difference is :thinking::thinking::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:


I think this would have been way better and probably would have made the expansion & the jailer feel closer to home rather than very “alien” to everything else.


I still can’t get over how the prototype Eternal Ones all look like they are wearing adult depends.


Tell yourself you don’t see it enough times and it shall be.

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