9.2 Covenant legendaries

So unless I read it wrong seems like we’re getting to have our covenant legendary equipped alongside a second legendary. How do y’all think this will impact the kyrian covenant?

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Hurt it a lot, kyrian leggo needs a rework

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i can see all hunters going back to nf

If there wont be an update to address this, Kyrian will be pretty much dead. Other covenants should be fine since their leggos are good.

Not really, even with current leggo, Kyrian will probably be the best for M+, the new tier set benefits the most from Kyrian, if conduits go up, kyrian damage goes up way more too. Wild Spirits conduit sucks compared to RA conduit.

I think this wont change much for BM, Ven will be on top for raiding and NF for M+.

MM and SV could see a drastic shift but we will have to see if any of our covenants get buffed/nerfed/etc in 9.2. For all we know Necro will be overbuffed and king for all specs

SV is great should be in great shape, for Venth. The Pouch lego is already one of the top lego for Raid, and the WFC lego is the best for M+. Those two working together will give SV great synergy for M+ or Raids. They should see the numbers go through the roof.


Wait, is Kyrian now best for M+, for BM? I’ve been running Fae. I’ll have to level Kyrian renown and try it out.

After having a chance to try all the covenants, I still prefer NF. I’ve been purchasing mounts. :wink:

I haven’t crated the covenant legendaries and just switched to Rylak’s for them.

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Venthyr Legendary is great for both raid and m+.


Does the benefits from the conduit (assuming it is increased next patch) make up for the legendary being a flop compared to the NF?

Kyrian is already best all-around for Hunter. The legendary being weaker than the others balances it out some.

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I agree, going to start maxing venthyr next week so I don’t have to worry about it later. I’m interested to see the venthyr leggo, WFC, plus the set bonus working together.

That is going to wreck shop. The synergy will be great.

I’m also curious about necrolord in mythics too.

Not exactly true for BM. To use the Kyrian legendary effectively in M+ on say fortified weeks you need to an odd mixture of stats. Going in to RE you need to have your pet at 3 stacks of frenzy, Beast Cleave needs to be maintained for its full duration, and the obvious one Bestial Wrath needs to be up. Compared to the snap damage of Wild Sprits it is a lot of set up for what generally feels like a mediocre pay off.
Going back to the mix of stats for BM Mastery tends to scale better with multiple targets because Beast Cleave is all pet damage. The RPF lego which is used with Kyrian favors crit to a degree for Barbed shot procs, and ouright damage. Lastly you need Haste to reduce Barbed shot recharge timer, increase auto attack speed to have your pet attack faster. Then we run in to the problem of Mastery loosing a large amount of value if there are less then 3 targets.

Kyrian is fine and fairly competitive but taking in to consideration a wider array of scenarios NF will cover a BM hunter better across all content. Personally I also believe after playing Venthyr, Kyrian, and NF that NF is by far the easiest of the three due to it being a large and longer CD meaning it dose less to change your gameplay due to less frequent use.

I like necro lord. The covenant lego seems to do well in mythic plus. I am looking forward to running it with Rylakstalkers.

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