9.2 broke French Canadian Keybinding

A bunch of keybindings is now not recognized with the new patch 9.2.

Here is a few example:
What was previously # is now recognized as '. This is the key on the left of the 1, above the tab button.
Another example is < which is now recognized as \ .

Addons was not the casue of the bug as i tried with or without addon.
I went in the keybind screen for the keybind that did not work. When i bound them to the same key, to my surprise it displayed a different character.

Workaround: I need to rebind the bound key for wow to recognize it.
How to repro: use a french canadian keyboard.


same thinkg is happening to me the, keybinds in the keybinds window are all mess up up if i try to /say or /g talk to some1 things look to work normaly but when i press the same keys which is atatch to an spell they are not working. if you go to the keybind window and press those keys they start showing different things like, if i press ¿ ( the question symbol) in the keybind window appears as ] same thing is ahppening to other keys and ofcourse i have them atatch to some of my spells.

help please

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ok i just try the same keys on my classic tbc toon and they are working fine it looks to be an issue with the new keybind feature

same issue here, wow is not recognizing any of this keys that i have binded to my mouse: |{’¿+}


Same issue here, # got remapped to ’ with 9.2 with French Canadian layout set in Windows 10.

Hey there,

Our games team is currently investigating a bug that affects any non-english keyboard. They are working on a fix as we speak but our support team does not have an ETA available for the patch.

I hope the info helps. Once we receive more info we will update this thread.


Thanks for the response. Wanted you to know that it also affects the keyboard layout “German (Switzerland)”.

I confirm that with today’s patch (25 feb 2022 -, it was fixed.
However i had to re-input my keybinds that i had changed for the workaround in the first place.

Everything is good.

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