9.1.5 Un-nerf Drums

One of the more frequent forum complaints is how hard it is for non-meta DPS specs to find a mythic keystone group. Please do something to help by un-nerfing drums so that it would be viable to actually bring any random 3 skilled dps players instead of requiring one to be a mage/hunter/shaman.

Also while you’re at it, throw some buffs at the extremely underrepresented specs like Ret, Enhance, Feral, (and anyone else I missed). It’s always going to be hard to find groups as a DPS, but balancing the playing field better would help quite a bit. Raids are pretty well balanced right now, but keystones are very much “bring the spec, not the player”, and that really should be addressed in 9.1.5.


yea and all the lust specs have all the ulity too. Hunters have soothe and MD, mages have decurse and blizz loves curses in shadowlands dungeons.

I also dont get why warriors still dont have a Lust cry


Yay for doing stuff! Yes pls make drums 30% to let every tank lust when they want again. Tanks are responsible for choosing the route but they don’t get a lust button? That’s bad. Bring back scrolls for all class buffs at 100% effectivity, and make engi brez 100% effective

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Personally I think these would be great changes, but I can also buy the argument for keeping SOME class diversity when it’s the smaller magnitude of arcane int, battleshout, etc. Those are great buffs but don’t make or break a group comp like Heroism does.

Take away lust from hunters and mages all together. No seriously, stop with the mage and hunter bias. You have left enhance and feral in the garbage since this game started. Buff drums back to 30%.

This too.

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I agree with the removing lust from hunters. It’s so inconvenient to have to take out the lust pet and dismiss and sometimes get out the pet we want every time we want to lust. We already bring good cc and soothe as well as almost 100% of our kit castable while moving. In exchange, I want some form of survivability/self-healing buff, because compared to any hybrid, MM healing especially is horrible.