It’s great that changes are being made to alleviate some of the frustrations of shadowlands. But as I looked through the list of changes, I noticed there have been almost no changes for pvp (so far).
Here are some things that I think need to be changed for PvP.
- Remove the honor point cap
A 15k honor point cap seems arbitrary/pointless and is just a source of frustration for players. If a cap must exist, make it something less limiting like 100k
- Remove the renown requirement for upgrading honor gear.
To max out honor gear you have get to renown 59. This will be easier with renown catch up, but is still just an unneeded grind for players that just want to get gear.
- Reduce the honor point cost of honor gear to WoD levels
In WoD, a player was able to buy a full set of honor gear for 27,000 honor points. Which could be easily obtained within a week of grinding. However in shadowlands it cost 89,775 honor to buy and upgrade a full set of honor gear. That represents a 300+ random BG grind for a set of starter pvp gear that is meant to be replaced by conquest gear after a few weeks.
Having the starter gear be such a massive investment does not make sense. To see how I calculated the number of games required you can check out my post I made, I’ll link it below.
- Reduce the item level gap between conquest gear ranks
Going into 9.1 we got scaling pvp item level which was a good addition. It guaranteed that doing pvp would give you the best gear for pvp.
However, the relative power gaps between the gear ranks remained the same. Pushing rating feels frustrating when you not only have to play better than your opponents, you also have to make up for the potential gear difference.
Ideally the gear gap should just be removed and conquest gear would only have one ilvl no matter what your CR is. However an alternative which still keeps the gear ranks in is to reduce the item level gap between the gear ranks. The following ilvls could be applied to conquest gear to make the power differential not feel as bad
Unranked → 247
1400 → 250
1600 → 253
1800 → 256
2100 → 259
These values would only allow a maximum ilvl difference of 12 from base conquest to 2100 gear.
If I missed anything feel free to add onto this list.
Here is a link to my post about the calculation above