9.1.5 PTR client have a release candidate

Expect an announcement this week probably and then two weeks after for the launch day

Guess people were right a November launch


Hello to whoever told me that November launch was crazy, who is the fortune cookie now! It me ;d

I mean in a way they are right. It is crazy that it’s so late but at this point I guess to be expected somewhat too.

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Unless today’s MT testing reveals massive issues.

/shrug Too late for me to be excited about it.

Class tuning must have been cut to save time.

Uncapped WW is going live boys. Time to reroll.

Already on top of that. Finally had a reason to play anything for necro.

Yeah, pretty sure it’s gonna be November 23rd :smirk:

I should get some popcorn for that day.

Haha, no extensive class tuning?


I’m ready for the massive buff to my blade dance conduit and the subsequent uncapping of blade dance.

They told me momentum/break was the FUTURE! That i was a fool for clinging to the old ways (first blood). It was they who were the fools!

Nah, forreal though, first blood is a fun talent, blade dance is a fun button to press in the rotation, and the conduit buff will solidify it as the default choice UNLESS you’re venthyr. Then it’s cycle of hatred + venthyr leggo for massive single target deeps.

I’d call you Debbie Downer but, unfortunately, the possibility is real.

When the pre-patch for Shadowlands went live with all those customizations, my worgen entered the barbershop and it stripped her and turned her blond before she even had a chance to sit down. Funny now, scary then.

The blade dance conduit buff plus the cap changes will probably put it back on the map. I have not tested it with the talent though

Well keep in mind momentum is still technically ahead on st but just barely. So now we have two separate builds that work equally with large playstyle differences. Nice to see a spec with actual options.

The sims are already done. Dancing with Fate conduit + First blood is now the highest damage.

With that you can choose either momentum or demonic, the dps difference between them was negligible. They recommend replacing relentless onslaught with it, if you’re running a soulbind with 2 potencies.

EDIT: Technically, Cylce of Hatred + Demonic + Venthyr leggo is the highest damage on raw single target only. As soon as a 2nd target comes in, it loses value.

Yes it’s very good, i just hated essence break more than anything. There are a few people who enjoyed it who are a little steamed, but other than that, this is a great change.

Absolutely agree essence break deserves to die in a fire. I really hope it gets removed or at least full rework using the same name.

They just need to make first blood baseline and re-imagine that talent row, imo. The other two options are just so bland.

I love how DH has so many different playstyles contained within the talent builds and all but that means little if one of the builds is just “chaos strike and eyebeam as much as possible”, and the other is just “cram all of your damage into an 8 second window by also spamming chaos strike”

Actually essence break might not be so bad if first blood were baseline AND if break also applied to eyebeam at a 30 second cooldown instead of a 20. Because that way you could also use it to enhance a demonic window if you like.

Break->beam->dance->cs until next dance->

Wrong. November 2.