9.1.5 glyphs/tomes/cosmetics

I’m sure others have requested this, but for 9.1.5 or even possibly 9.2 if it’s too late now, we need to add more cosmetic glyphs and class tomes.
I have a couple to specifically request -

    1. Frostfire Bolt for mage. So, this could either just outright teach Frostfire Bolt or be a glyph for Fireball/Frostbolt. I’d be fine with either, but it was one of the things I was hoping to return with the shadowlands un-pruning.
    1. Wrath for druids. I want the green lightning ball back. I’d prefer the original animation, but I’d also be fine with the current animation but colored green to make it more naturey.
    1. Lightning Bolt for shamans. I mained ele for a couple xpacs and it was one of my favorite things to see an overload proc on lightning bolt and have a turret of lightning orbs shoot out towards the target. The current animation is just a static line and is too similar to chain lightning in my opinion.
    1. Ghost Wolf for shamans. We need more variations on this, similar to how druids are getting even more variations of their forms. I know it’d be more work and take longer, but I’d love to see ghost wolf forms be added to the barbershop as well.

Well, thanks for reading and your consideration. 9.1.5 is already looking to be headed in the right direction, so let’s keep this momentum of listening to community feedback and making changes accordingly. :slight_smile:

Feel free to add anything else you’d like to see in terms of cosmetic glyphs or class tomes type things!

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