9.1.5 Content Update Preview

Doubt it. Its probably going to be 44. Bec that max renown before Chains storyline

How about diverting a few resources to fixing the shaman Night Fae Covenant sets (ALL OF THEM) for the female Zandalari that have been broken since SL launch. I’m sure the devs and design team have fun to adding new things but SOMEONE needs to fix the stuff that should never have passed QA and has had more than enough tickets and bug reports to get fixed in TEN MONTHS.

Fix the broken stuff first, then add new stuff please.

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Please, for the love of god, if you are going to give the velfs all the customization that the belfs have, give some love to the belfs, give them some new hairstyles or stuff like that arent trash like those hairstyles that u added in 9.0

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Poor attitude when there has been a changing of the guard. shrug Negativity is comfortable for some though.

Coming in 9.2

I have seen all sorts of talk on the forums about how a .5 patch is about changes like these not major ones like adding content.

I’m just going to break it down so people understand.

Blizzard reported $400 million in earnings in Q2, 26 mil MAU (down from 27 previous quarter), and WoW was reported as having the highest subscription numbers in a while. So in-between July 1st - today it would be physically impossible for 50% of the playerbase to unsubscribe.

If WoW had say 5 million players (just picking a number) on June 30th. 2.5 million would have to hit unsubscribe button before July 1st to actually have an impact. That’s not possible. Also, players would not mass unsubscribe just before the announcement of a new content patch (and literally weeks into TBClassic) without first trying it.

So the lawsuit hits mid-July. There would have a lot of unsubs because of that plus a lot of the WoW bad press in general. It’s also only 1 month into a major patch so the population level may have dipped slightly, but not by much. Even if it was a -50% drop it would take 30 days for the impact to actually show… which is well beyond Bellulars original video time scale. I.E. mass unsubs in July wouldn’t show up until August because people are paying 30 days out.

A mass -50% player exodus ingame would be so noticeable that most top 500 mythic guilds would have seen their rosters depleted and recruitment issues would be apparent across the board. M+ keys would be almost non-existent. Servers would all be reporting low pops. They’d probably immediately enable heroic/mythic cross realm play.

The player count would have suffered significantly more inbetween the 8 months we were twiddling our thumbs inbetween 9.0 and 9.1 than it would in 1 month of bad press. Yet, earnings were all record high…

Also, it’s not unusual for blizzard to launch a patch, get a big sub count increase, and then it declines until the next patch.

9.1.5 (and next phase of TBC) is literally being drummed up to create hype, get people to resubscribe, and pump earnings for Q3 earnings on-top of D2 Remastered release. Any loss in revenue from July/August will very likely be recouped just by D2 Remastered alone.

after reading that absolute garbage you just wrote, I think its you who doesnt understand. Comparisons of boss kills from CN to SOD shows a 50% drop. This correlates to covenant participation showing a 50% drop.

like what? What are you talking about? 50% is not 100%.

no, they wouldn’t because they’re hardcore players who earn CE or HOF, THEN THEY STOP PLAYING. Serious raiding guilds have multiple backups for every role. If people leave, they are easily replaced with a decent player. Its the guilds who can barely scrounge up 2 tanks and 4-5 healers for mythic progression that were (and are) hit most hard by the recent exodus. Even I witnessed enough guild mergers over the passed 8 months to last me a life time.

yeah, because Blizzard is becoming good at getting money out of the people who do fall for their BS monetization. For example, what do you think people are doing to get max-level legendaries that are overpriced?

Buying tokens. This is but one example.

This is one of your more copium-laden posts that ive seen. Jesus. Even the die-hard casuals concede the mass-exodus of players is a thing. You’re seeing this same pattern in content creators too. The ones that haven’t jumped ship like Accolonn have had massive hits to their views.

Accept it and move on.


Oh look its one of the Bellular sheeps… at least the other person actually does their research instead of relying on clickbait fake youtube vid.

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wow good argument. Thank you for gracing us with your intellect and sound reasoning.

pack it up folks, this topic has now been irrefutably settled by our friend here.

Remove the need for the dungeon in the Kyrian campaign quest even for those that haven’t done it before. Without people running it for alts it’s only going to be more of a pain. Not to mention it’s the only covenant that requires a dungeon to progress the campaign.


Thank you for the changes this will be very welcome to retail and the reason I bought shadowlands.

Gonna be honest bud , the scaling thing is just bad. They need to just go back to basics where you bg to get honor gear and then arena to get conquest gear. No upgrading bullcrap, and for the love of god implement a damn catch up mechanic. 25 points a win is just absurd when you are so far behind. It makes gearing alts one of the biggest chores in the game, on top of all the pre-existing chores that are already there.

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I mean they’re not lying. That videos already been debunked and is basically equivalent to fake news. People keep propagating it because it fits their narrative and echo chambers. I.E. confirmation bias.

for anyone curious, this person is referring to Izen Hart who has already conceded that Bellular was correct in his own comment section, and admitted he simply had an irrational outburst

but yes, his defense of “but what about China subs!” and “normal raiding is a worthless metric” sure equates to DEBUNKED

look in a bloody mirror.


I actually did my research and stand by it. Either way: another sheep to the ignore list.

Also, he didn’t take down his video:

DISCLAIMER: The point of the original video is correct, I don’t think anyone would debate the lower engagement metrics of the game right now or at the very least the general negative atmosphere around the game… HOWEVER:
It does strike a certain way when you have to go out of your way to imply wrong or misleading numbers or straight up omit others to make the point appear even more dramatic than it actually is.
It makes you wonder what was exactly the purpose of the video if it has been carefully manufactured for maximum shock value and not really to report the full scale of the numbers at hand because otherwise those “would not look as good” for the agenda of the video.```

I.E. Bellular did clickbait video for views and the sheep believe it

oh how typical of “mature” people who lose on the rational front; “BLOCKED”

and you say i’m in an echo-chamber as you hide behind that approach.



learn to read.

original video, as in, Bellulars video. Thank you for proving you’re just talking for the sake of talking.


You’re kind of just toxic and I don’t think it’s worth debating against sheep or people who are NPC-minded. If you can’t think without Bellular telling you what to think… than yeah.


yeah im toxic as you call people sheep for not agreeing with you.



Bought game time today, I’m back! Very excited about the character customizations and especially no dungeons for Alliance allied races. I don’t do group content so was not able to unlock 2 of these. I managed to get Dark Iron Dwarf because I soloed the dungeons. I love fluff in a game and hope to see more. Looking forward to HM Tauren customizations too. Happy about the Maw intro skip for alts as well. Hope this kind of updating isn’t just a one time deal. Hope the trend continues.

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So basically what you’re saying is 9.1.5 is this expansion’s “whoops you guys we’re right all along” patch, maybe if you guys just listened to your playerbase from the start, when they told you all these things were terrible you wouldn’t be in this awkward position where you are hemorrhaging players and have to try and pass off reverting systems nobody wanted to begin with as actual content. It’s the same thing every expansion, when will you guys learn?