Hey there! I’m Lillie.
I’m a newer raider that is looking for a home for Shadowlands. I started out seriously raiding in Ny’alotha and managed to achieve cutting edge. Before that I had about three AOTC achievements and I was really a AOTC and quit kinda player. I’m looking to achieve CE again this tier and for the tiers following. I am by no means looking for a top 100 guild. My goal is to find a guild that I can make friends with and kill bosses with them.
I am able to raid Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri 8pm EST - 12am EST.
Please be within these times or close to them such as an hour off. I have some flexibility but not much. I’m a full time college student with a job, these are the only times I can reliably make raid.
My Ny’alotha logs
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/arthas/girlfriend?zone=24&new=true#metric=hps
My current logs on my 205 hpriest
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/hyjal/pwincess
And my Raider .io page
raider. io/characters/us/hyjal/Pwincess#tier=26:season=season-sl-1
Please note I swapped mains about two weeks ago now.
Please contact me on Discord or B-tag
Thank you all ! <3
Bumping. Still on the lookout.
I sent you a friend request in disc. My btag is ElvenBlossom#1880. I would love to talk to you.
Hey there. I just sent a request over from Pimsley#1337
We are a 2 day guild, incredibly laid back and working towards CE ourselves. I would love the opportunity to chat with you if you like what you see. Below is our copy/pasta with a bit about us. We have a spot ready to go tonight if you have some interest!
Hey there,
Team RP sounds like would be a good fit for you. I’ll drop some links below so you can check us out if interested. Alternatively or additionally, please feel free to contact me on discord: Saph#7860.
Bnet Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/haillidansargeras-envelop-multiple-teams-pve-community/605256
Website: https://envelop.gg/rp/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Envelop
Thank you and good luck my friend!
Hello! I know our times are not exactly what you’re looking for but we are very interested in your Hpriest so we are throwin our post out there. I’ll add you on discord and if there’s any chance our raid times work out for you we’d love to talk with you.
Guild: Casual Addiction
Raid Times: Saturday/Sunday 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Alt Raid: Friday 7:00 PM CST
10/10 N
9/10 H
Currently Recruiting - Mythic CN Core Spot
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Open (Disc priest, - resto druid, Holy priest will be considered)
Melee DPS: Open (Unholy DK, Arms Warrior, WW Monk)
Ranged DPS: Open (Boomkin, MM hunter, Mage- , Spriest, Lock will be considered)
About us:
We are a guild that is dedicated to killing bosses and clearing content. Our goal for this expansion is to get CE in every raid tier. Just like any other guild we have had our ups and downs but we are committed to building a core raid team that will stick together for every raid tier in SL and beyond.
Outside of raid we are always down to push M+, do xmog runs and achievement runs.
Our roster spots are based on performance and attendance.
What we are looking for in our players:
Preferably 21+.
Willing to learn and adapt to changes in game.
At least 1 alt class/spec for raid.
Complete at least 2 226 pieces for vault
90% attendance
Extra Information:
We will also be running guild events
I.E. Hide and Seek, Guild Raffles, Death Darts, Transmog Fashion Contest, ETC :).
For any questions please contact:
Heyzuice#2206 (Discord)
Heyzuice#1233 (Bnet)
Ghanji#0534 (Discord)
Kagashi1907#1465 (Discord)
Arkenz#4025 (Discord)
Arken#11402 (Bnet)
Hey add me on discord. Br33ze420#9584 Your times and progression would fit perfectly with us.
hmu 2/10m lf holy priest main, Discord Awetosis#6997
Hello! And thanks for visiting Perfect Loot
We are looking for DPS and Healers for our mythic raiding team in Shadowlands!
Also looking to grow our gaming community, so all casual and game lovers are welcome!
We are currently looking for the following classes for Shadowlands!
Exceptional DPS!
Destro/Affliction Warlock
Shadow Priest
Fury Warrior
Sub Rogue
Ret Pally
Unholy DK
MM Hunter
Raid days are Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time
Contact Gentlepalm @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268
Thank you!
Is a progressive but non-elites’ guild LF more members for our core progression raiding group. All classes welcome but we are looking for healers and ranged. We do PvP on Fridays at 6pm Server time. Raid: Are on Saturdays 6pm server. We are Alliance and on Aerie Peak. My Battle Tag is- Littlemintz#1979.
I would love to chat with you more about our guild.