9.1 Store Bought Helms Missing in Transmog

Store Bought Helms
Since 9.1 I’ve been having repeated issues with Transmog items periodically vanishing from the wardrobe UI. I don’t know what the deal is or how to fix it. A couple of times I could reset or log onto another server or character and it would magically resolve itself. However, currently my Crown of Eternal Winter store bought helm that I got ages ago when it was first available, along with the other two helms, just seem to have vanished from the Wardrobe ui.

Now recently as of when this post was made, the other two helms, Hood of Hungering Darkness and Jewel of the Firelord have reappeared. I did nothing to make this happen, however I’ve also tried the method for resetting the WoW UI by renaming the necessary folders. That also had no effect on the state of the missing item. I have messed with the filters repeatedly to make sure I wasn’t missing something. I noticed this feature of the TOYS Ui was messed with randomly after 9.1 went live.

I’m looking for some help on the matter that’s more recent than last year.

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It is a known issue. I had the helms disappear on me last night – they are back now. Also had the Renowned Explorer mog disappear too. Other people have reported the Sprite Darter mog from the Shop disappearing as well.

Recent post from Blizzard: Spirit Darter transmog removed? - #7 by Kalviery

Support articles about missing mogs:

Cosmetic Helms - https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/17744

Sprite Darter - https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/291576

Renowned Explorer - https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/264950

I just had this happen to me. Incidentally it coincided with me picking up the Frost Mage hidden appearance from Frostfire ridge. So maybe two lines of code just up and hit each other.