9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Thursday bump

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Replied to another post and it got me thinking about how, in my opinion, the worst part about this season is the gear disparity between full gear and no gear/full last season gear. The balance of the game from live to playing on TR is WORLDS different. The entire game, the entire meta, is completely different on TR in full gear with full gems, etc. etc. in regard to how damage profiles adjust. Balancing the game around low gear ruins the experience with full gear and vice versa. The gear gap from 0 - full gear is HUGE, and it’s made worse by the rating requirements. Truly a horrible system…


Preach senpai


Most of the players think this system is bad, and many have left as a result of the system and the current meta. We just need Blizzard to show us some love and address it, please Blizzard…

Honor gear should only be about 10 ilvl lower than conquest. That one level of conquest gear should have no rating requirements unless you wanna troll with shoulders or something. Otherwise, let us get BiS on any toon we want so we can play competitive games. We have plenty of other tasks if we really want to be competitive on a toon, we need at least the gear to be accessible and viable.


I bet TR also has way more comp diversity as well

Ehh … kinda? Because of the tournament setting it’s all picks/counter picks it’s basically just as FOTM as possible within reason. If there was a ladder I’m sure it would be diverse though.

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I only wondered, because Dilly always talking about differences in tournament play vs ladder.

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In terms of what is viable into what, yeah there’s a massive difference in the actual meta. For example on live I would probably never want to play Kitty into RMPala, but on TR it feels extremely strong, etc. The entire meta is just different slightly

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I feel diversity would increase if we had a lower barrier of entry to pvp and I think WoD and MoP would have the same lack of diversity that Slands has if their barriers were larger.


Definitely a factor, without a doubt. The longer it takes to get gear/whatever the longer it takes for the meta to “settle” on what’s good and what is not. Also why you see the meta shift dramatically mid season when something OP is found that wasn’t before, because it either takes tons of time to swap and no one is willing to try, or because it simply took that long to get to that point. i.e. Venth BM hunters out of nowhere, Necro WW, etc.


I wish that the stats were distributed differently on the gear. They should continue to all have a high vers distribution, but it would be cool if some of the pieces had the remaining stats split between two others. So like instead of 162 vers 74 haste, 162 vers 36 haste 36 crit.

wtb alt viability


has it occurred to any of you yet that one reason this probly gets no blue views is

…its in the pvp section? this should have been posted front and center in general discussion area, something like that.


That’s against ToS

They know about this post, it’s more popular than patch notes… literally. They just aren’t speaking on it because they are unwilling to admit the disaster that is pvp gearing.


This is actually very unfortunate and disheartening. We all know that people make mistakes and would have been happy if they would just resolve them. It legit grinds my gears that they force us to deal with this system instead of owning it and fixing some of the glaring and easy to fix aspects of it. Guess we just remain left on read.

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Lower item-level PvP gear will now scale to a higher item-level in PvP situations than before. This should reduce the power level gap so that new characters can feel that they’re able to compete in Battlegrounds and Arenas more readily. This change will not affect high item-level PvP gear.

What does this mean? Will all gear scale to duelist lvl? If not I don’t care :man_shrugging:


I would assume they’ll just make the lower ilvl conquest gear scale up 16 or 18 ilvl instead of 13, or something like that.

My hope is that they just say screw it and scale all the conquest gear up to elite gear, admit they were wrong about having separate tiers of conquest gear, and then in 9.2 going forward they’ll go back to 1 honor set and 1 conquest set non-upgradeable.

But that’s a pipe dream.


I want to think it means that honor gear levels to about 250. Hopefully, they address the rating gating also and remove or severely limit it to like shoulders.
