9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Jesus 1,000 posts and not a single blue response


Kind of is. The leeches worrying about money at the top, try to produce as little as possible for maximum profit, like hearthstone.

They have been draining the life blood of the company and all we are left with is “I know what’s fun more than you” Ion and this is a real [paraphrased] quote from him:

“I want to take the fun out of making video games” -Bobby Kotick


I try to manage two chars one char i do the stupid kor dailys the weeklys choreghast and 3 conq cap. My other char I get the weekly done, if i have time choreghast, and 1 conq cap. A third toon no way my sanity is already gone at this point and my last rl friend who plays is losing his mind he will probably quit soon then ill quit because i dont do lfg and no interest in pve.


They won’t respond to this ever if they let 9.1 go live as is with an even worse gear system.

The Devs think they know what’s best even though the game is in a pretty horrendous state compared to MoP/WoD for PvP.

And IIRC this dude doesn’t PvP, Holinka is still taking his sweet time as well forgetting that we used to have an honor and conquest set and that was it. According to him the gap is only about 3 ilvls or something when 177 to 259 is way more than 3-6 ilvls


This has to be a joke at this point. LOL Blizzard is just trolling us with their pvp gearing scheme.


He got duelist on his server in the first season of wrath, you know the one with the starting dks.

Which is funny considering he’s the one that created the wod PVP gear the gear that we all want back


They rely on gear chasing over replay-ability as they currently can’t balance PvP for crapola nor can they afford the time to fix it because of “covid” or some other weird mechanic which they themselves introduced.


This post has so many likes and responses. It’s insane. Too bad we won’t see anything changed until 10.0


Its really dumb on their part. The PvP aspect of the game could draw in huge numbers if they did it right. Hell, you would think Blizzard would look across the hall, see Activision selling millions of copies of CoD (not that I am advocating CoD style PvP) and the light bulb would go off.

Instead, PvP get’s the redheaded stepchild treatment, because I guess Ion doesn’t play it so therefore it isn’t important.


You mean like Venruki making a thread that spanned xpacs, and it went mostly ignored


I honestly think it’s holinka vision more than anything right?

That’s what it boils down to tho, the vision. I’m sure they sit around a table and decide their vision for the expac and then just stick to it no matter what the players say.

If they do take player feedback, it’s half arsed.


Nope, it is actually Ion´s fancy.


27k views 640+ likes, 1000+ responses, nothing from blizzard. they’ve got their blindfolds on for this one lmao.


Bold of you to assume anything will change … like ever.

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Of course SOMETHING will change

Maybe I should rephrase and say “Bold of you to assume things will get better”.

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I mean they went 2 xpacs ignoring the last gear thread we had. Too bad Ven didn’t bother to mention we don’t like rating on gear too.

Hope you are looking forward to 11.0 when they remove rating, if they make it that far.

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Right lol. I really just meant any kind of change. Things definitely changed from bfa.

I can’t help but agree with the sentiment others put forth that this feels like engagement metrics and not fun metrics. Because we are clearly not enjoying the state of pvp.

The changes this patch were great for the most part, a lot of new interesting and fun abilities were added. But the gear side of thing, kills it for many players.

Two tiers of gear is fine. Anything more then that is an attempt to squeeze play time out of players which has never worked.


They disrespect players time and our loyalty.