9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Im looking…:face_with_monocle:… I don’t see any blue posts! Bumping again!


“They really listen to their customer base”. How they hell they surviving i have no idea.


I’m going to quash any hope blizz will respond in this thread right here. Keep trying of course, its better to try then give up. However, I haven’t seen a blue post in arena/pvp in…I can’t even remember?


just a dumb post to something silly

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How they would even fix it at this point? They’ve doubled down on this item level progression and it’d be hard to remove it without affecting PvE

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Venruki…the champion we need once more!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Hey look it’s May 2021 and we are still bumping this thread because a) 9.1 hasn’t been released yet and b) Blizzard has so far refused to even acknowledge the pvp community’s concerns.

Question for Activision PR when are you going to let a pvp streamer interview the dev team?


Upgrading PvP items now relies on your best rating of the week (was current rating).

Another hoop to jump through? Currently you can just park a team size rating and leave it untouched. Do you need to play that team size each week now?


Gamers, at the very end of today’s interview Morgan Day said he loves PvP. So why does the wow dev team refuse to address our concerns? /s Since the WoW dev team doesn’t know PvP has a community.


What do you mean?

Repeat Arena Skirmish wins will now reward 3 Conquest (was 0).

Alt gearing saved. You can now get your weapon in checks notes just under 600 wins.


Nailed it.

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LF Blizzard Reply.



Considering how much this post exploded (due to how accurate it is) since it got posted, I’m legit dropping my Subscription if the PvP gearing system in 9.1 goes live.

Despite the “Gear should matter” vs “Gear shouldn’t matter” people constantly going at it, I have seen them at least agree that the system Blizzard is attempting to implement is a lot worse.


12k views and almost 500 likes later with almost everyone in agreement. Still no blue post. Blues stayin scared :wink:


Us: Blizzard please. The PvP gear. T^T

Blizzard: Lowers rating requirements for the Spider mount in PvP.

Us: Blizzard, no, the rating gate and gear disparity.

Blizzard: Increases Soul Ash drop in Torghast.



bumping this thread, who know, maybe a dev will click on this thread by accident


Yeah just to bump this thread. I’m just a BG hero, but current gearing system kills playability and doesn’t really encourage trying rated at all with all the disparity.


So your argument is basically just “well if this one thing is fair this other thing isn’t so there’s no point”. You’d rather have unbalanced classes be compounded with gear that’s 10-20 Ilvls higher than you?

Also, why can’t we have both be fair? We should be striving for class balance always, yet you’re just saying “no cause it’ll never happen”. That’s a silly way to view it.

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Yes, exactly. Make the gaps either a lot smaller or remove rating requirements all together this is what we’ve been saying for literal months now.

Again, yes exactly. The honor/conquest grind is still absolutely insane and we’re over 6 months into this first season, and they’ve announced no catchup for the second season so the grind and gear disparities will be even worse this season.

Yes this is probably the easiest/best solution and just make it so you get more honor/conquest/gold/anima per game the higher rating you are. Done, amazing.

Exactly, in what world should any PvP setting have the chance for there to be 20-50% damage/health differences in a single match? How is it fun not being able to dint your opponent while they blow you up with one rotation? It’s not, because that’s not PvP that’s being a target dummy.

Amazing post, and I really hope blizzard have read this and been taking a lot of notes. This system is going to cause an awful lot of issues while not solving any of the real problems we were talking about if they dont change anything.


500th reply with no blue post.