JuSt OuTPllAyyYY ThhEeeeEmmm
well i learned a couple of things, instead of trying to fight a ret paladin, its easier to simply run away as fast as i can because my poor hunter kept getting one shot by final reckoning
no need to interrupt a convoke because on the first starsurge and dots, my poor hunter also die
no need to waste disengage on a warrior because the moment you do that, he will right back on you with condemn!
also, i saved my trinket a couple of times by not using it on cheap shots or kidney shots because by the time i used it, i would be dead
at least i learned something, i hope this knowledge can help!
to the top you go mr post.
Guess what guys!? If you want to level alt in 9.1 you not only have to grind honor you have to grind renown to 61 (7 weeks if you are already at 40) to upgrade your PvP Honor gear you have to grind 61 renown. Plus your legendary! ALT FRIENDLY BABY!
If you are having issues with getting one shot by Paladins now on your hunter, I suggest not going and looking at the Divine Toll legendary or you may just delete your hunter.
its just ptr, plenty of time for the devs to take good decisions lol
incredibly disappointed to see that blizzard released a new PTR build with no changes to gear scaling, despite getting pinged by some of the most prominent PvP content creators, along with a strong population of not only casuals, but high rated players who see nothing wrong with everyone having a static ilvl (depending on if honor or conquest set ofc)
it was even more disappointing to see that they did not even talk about it at all, but at this point thats pretty on brand for blizzard. It is not even surprising that so many prominent blizzard figures from 10+ years ago are leaving in swarms.
my disdain for bobby kop*ick intensifies
9.1 gear in the ptr makes pvp worse than ever
The new PTR build I feel is blizzard trolling us lol, absolutely abysmal.
Very well said MR revo. However u left out that renown is a joke or maybe I can read that into the idea nothing should be upgradeable but anyway ur right especially about the abismally poor amount of conquest per game.
For sure. Cant wait for them to do something that will total piss players off three days before launch.
This is hillarious, forumgod and bloomsday are on each other nuts xD
Anyone who read this far disregard there comments.
forumgod is bloomsday’s aborted twin and has returned to reclaim what is his and to take vengeance for being fully scrambled in the womb instead of partially like blooms
They are 2 people out of millions who want an equal playing field
They should just auto forum ban people like this ^^^^^
Things that 100% need to get addressed. Still I can do those while playing on my laptop touch pad and watching Netflix lol… The main thing keeping me from playing alts is literally having to sweat my a hole off just to get a decent set of gear. I’d rather not be a meta slave 100% of the time.
Also conquest per win could go up like you said
Gear is up on PTR - multiple ranks of both honor and conq gear, even with the scaling. This needs to change.
This x 100. The gear disparity affects everyone but particularly new players to the arena. It’s already hard enough fighting your way up and trying to learn but when you have no chance of playing on an even playing field it’s awful. Really hope they make the gear difference much smaller if any difference at all. I’d much prefer the original WoD system. OR have very few items (3 maybe max) to be upgraded to “elite” to have a small extra thing to work for.
Just popping a bump to this!
So will gear still be gated behind rating once again? If so, blizzard come on man you’re not even trying! so lazy