9.1 PvP Gear Gap

Dear wow people, So yah its been a while but I remember when SL came out Honor gear was at 161 if I’m right and conquest gear was 230+ something. I’m pretty sure I got the numbers wrong. but the very least the numbers are close enough. 161-230+ gear gap. My point is in 9.1 will there be a massive Gap again from release of Shadowlands?

I love to PvP but my god Honor gear vs Conquest gear was uhm… f… up I would say?

The reason why I’m asking is cause I don’t want to get killed by 1 global would be nice to the very least haha.


It’s 158 vs 226 honor vs full conquest, but close enough. It’s essentially unviable to gear an alt through ranked arenas only. One of my friends who is 2900 on his main tried to level his priest alt through arenas at 160 ilvl, he gave up and spammed bgs until he was about 195 and then came back to arenas. Next season will be even more fun, 158s vs 250+ ilvl people. Have fun playing alts.


pvp gear scales up next szn

gonna be something like honor190 vs duelist 259

you need like 60 renown to get your honor gear to 210 or something similar

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