9.1 PTR Elune Feedback SPOILERS

LOL if that’s what you got from it okay then.

Now this is the dumb fun stuff I’m talking about.

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Nah if anything, given E(Luna)e, it’ll be like… K(Helios)e or (Sol)on

Because it’s like following a story - except this Character was an enigma since the days of the Warcraft RTS. And here you are chiming in, like the pretentious monkey you are.

So important that Garrosh, Mr. Lets-Take-Night-Elf-Lands himself, withdrew the Horde’s forces from Stonetalon Mountains.

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When the Winter Queen referenced a sister I figured it had to be Elune. And obviously they’re trying to downstate the gods because we’re going to have to aid them in the fight against some other hitherto unmentioned nonsense down the line, if not immediately after SL.


Could even still aid the First Ones, as Zero is a popular villain moniker in various media.

I mean, Blizzard didn’t even know what they wanted to do with Garrosh in Cata. And to the game’s credit, the Garrosh that prioritized Stonetalon (what should be the most important acquisition for the Horde on Kalimdor if they were to expand) … was the single best incarnation of him we ever had. Like I said, Ashenvale is the zone Blizz forces the Horde to hit to elicit a strong emotional response and label us the villains. It is not a territory that makes a whole lot of sense for the Horde to prioritize, no matter how lush in resources it might be. The cost in taking and holding parts of it has never been worth the gain there, but since Blizz doesn’t care about such luxuries like “motives” for Horde aggression … we hit there instead of Stonetalon.


Best incarnation in that he prioritized honor over “the most important acquisition for the Horde on Kalimdor.”


Pretty much. But also the one that prioritized the most important zone on Kalimdor for the Horde in the first place. God, I hate the faction conflict, but I miss having reasons to do anything in it when we’re forced to participate. Motives and reasons to do anything makes doing them more tolerable.

He didn’t particularly prioritize Stonetalon. He was just attacking everywhere he could, including Ashenvale, Desolace, and Southern Barrens. Basically anything within reach.

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Sigh … it is what it is. That was in that murky period before Blizz fully committed to “Orc Hitler”. Because nothing is more nuanced than Hitler, am I right?


So far Blizz has bought good will with the Maldraxxi. I’ve mentioned before how Necrolord was literally my 9 year old, try hardy username for Runescape. That coupled with their certainly unique interpretation of morally gray had me writing off the Necrolords as garbage before even looking at them.

And I’ve never been so pleasantly proven wrong. Wholesome death metal is the places vibe. It’s introduction quest rivals Doom 2016 for getting to the point, and I love how kind, silly and even romantic many of its inhabitants are.

I called the early Jailor concept art Lich Santa, and as they’re clearly using that more for the Primarch I’m hoping that’s his vibe. Just this hunched, withered monstrosity who’s actually a wise, jolly and giving sort.


What I’m getting at is leaving it open ended for too long. Which is what Blizzard has done with Elune. Considering that Elune was first mentioned in WC3, nearly 20 YEARS AGO. I mean one of the main complaints of Disenchantment is that the show is setting too many things up with little to no pay off. Hell, things that have been set up in Season 1 still hasn’t been resolved. That is not good writing.

Sometimes if a mystery has gone on for a long time, it is better to leave it as a mystery.


Certainly, but the option for payoff was there. Blizzard chose not to take it.

It’s like asking for steak, the chef prepares a steak, but sends you the chicken instead. Doesn’t give anyone the steak.


Right, either keep it a mystery, or provide a reveal that respects one of the longest enigmas in gaming history.

For a maternal being (always referenced as such) to be revealed as a “sister” to a 2nd rate expansion character (that could be killed by a Banshee) is so low that I’ve lost all respect for the game’s lore moving forward.

Short of them explaining that siblings can vary significantly in power-scale, this is literal garbo.


I don’t think Elune has favored NElves that much. Look at what happened to Teldrassil and Tyrande as a Night Warrior. Or all the disputes Nelves have been through in Ashenvale or Darkshore. Elune has been a goddess who gave the power to those who served her, and that power was normally the same level as all the other priests in Azeroth have.

You can’t say Velen is weaker than Tyrande cos Velen serves light and Tyrande serves Elune. Or Elune would help Tyrande to defeat Velen in terms of power. If Nelves demand some ‘irrational special’ treatment, she would deny it. Like the real God in real world, the being just doesn’t do anything that can change the situation dramatically based on favoritism.
Hell rather I think it’s usually Light or Death or Void that has shown overpowered favoritism so far.

I mean, it’s okay for me that Elune is not the First One or one true god. I’ve never thought she would be, considering I’m maining human and Blizz gave Musha to Taurens.
What I want to say is that she cannot be at the same cosmic tier as Titans. Should be something else unique or something more powerful than that, cos she has power over Light, Nature, Order, and Void. Well, if you want to comply with Chronicles.

Of course current Blizz writers give a damn about Chronicles. What I hate about Elune retcon here is this part. Winter Queen’s sister should be Eonar, it has more sense in every way. (Unless Elune is actually at different tier now. What we know is that Winter Queen calls Elune sister and has thought Elune has abandoned her.)

It’s just… the way that the current writers degrade or retcon things we knew or loved, and show those to us in their own favor - surprise!! without background explanation or source - is just gross and stressful.


I must say I can’t for the life of me follow what people are even mad about in this thread, but is the issue that people think Elune can’t be a First One and The Winter Queen’s sister simultaneously? Because… why not?

Based on the magics she has sway over, I’m still banking on Elune being a First One, and I really don’t see an Eternal One being her sister as some kind incompatibility with that.

I mean, a relationship with the Winter Queen definitely hints at Elune maybe more likely being strictly Life pantheon related, but due to Elune’s connection with so many cosmic forces, I absolutely, emphatically would not say the “Elune is a First One” theory is out for the count yet.

The problem is that the first ones created the eternal ones, they can’t be siblings if they’re essentially the parents.


If you think Blizzard is gonna follow its own lore and logic, I got a beachhouse on Teldrassil to sell you.


I’ll give you two shiny coppers for it, and I’m not expecting them to follow anything. They’ve retconned the lich king and frostmourne lore, even with this new patch.

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