They should lower the monthly/expansion prices by the same percentage of people they lost!
OH! So THAT’S why I lost my trust level 3!
Wait. You dare challenge my TL4 power?! DON’T MAKE ME CRUSH YOU!
It’s called sarcasm.
You don’t have to. Blizzard did that long ago.
Hold your breath. Go on, I dare ya.
There are no different ‘teams’ in a for profit company. There is finite resources that can be used in different ways. Every $ or hour spent on one project is one less to be spent on another.
TBC got $ and labour that could’ve been spent on making Shadowlands not garbage and release on time. TBC got $ and labour that could’ve been spent on making 9.1 not garbage and release on time.
Retail players are now actively funding Wrath classic development while it looks increasingly likely that 9.3 will be cancelled and 9.2 massively scaled back. WoD 2.0.
Careful, the forum crisis response team doesn’t like logical responses.
They will resort to flooding the thread with nonsense soon.
Yes. The Classic devs actually talk to the playerbase.
The Retail devs act like we don’t exist.
The classic devs are shockingly responsive and have reacted to feedback within 24hrs. They reverted connecting Oceanic and US realms for PvP after players complained less than a day after announcing it.
Lol I’m not defending Blizzard, I’m just not buying what you are selling.
That not true. They just don’t use GD.
Go on the support forum, they respond to damn near every thread in there.
Different teams, but no way they’d release the patch at the same time as Burning Crusade was being released. A big part of the delay is due to clashing with Burning Crusade’s push into release for June 1st.
Definitely played a factor in the delays of 9.1.
The thing is, throwing more people at Classic wouldn’t actually help. With the type and volume of bugs they’re seeing, the work wouldn’t parallelize well. If anything with too many people involved they’d be stepping on each others’ toes.
The team with the biggest role in all this is likely marketing. Even slightly overlapping releases don’t make sense from the standpoint of maximizing surface area against other games.
Burning Crusade release was brought forward because 9.1 wasn’t ready. The patch wasn’t delayed because of BC, it was already running behind.
The CS team =/= Retail devs.
9.1 was benched for TBC. The title of the thread I linked.
I mean, you can say whatever you want. That is the fun of forums, however you have no proof and told us nothing.
This isn’t a “gotcha.”
This is a sad cry for attention.
Careful, the forum crisis response team doesn’t like logical responses.
Everyone who doesn’t buy into your conspiracies is the “forum crisis response team.”
We here at the FCRT are ready to respond at a moment’s notice!
But you all are sure that different teams are working on TBC/D2/Retail separately?
Yeah, an Activision team is doing D2. I know so many people have left Blizzard that you could argue all teams are being manned by Activision, but they specifically named the team coming in to help for D2.
You also didn’t tell us anything specific so pretty much useless.