Nah, you misread. My main contention is with the “Damage players are the damage for the group” mentality. Unless I misinterpreted, you were claiming to be 5% more tanky than me. I’m not mad, just disagree with the above statement.
I even said that you should play whatever build you want. I, however, don’t think a super bulk build will be sufficient to complete high keys. You’re welcome to prove me wrong, but the stats from the top keys in S1 show paladins running a very heavy damage support build.
then what’s the problem. I feel like that spiderman meme that is pointing at each other.
but logically per your words me having 5% more defence would make me tankeir. Is that a incorrect summary?
I would agree that Guardian Druids and Demon Hunters are the best tanks by a long shot. S-tier for sure
But the others are all good too imo, at least A for everything else. Speaking as a healer 
I think a lot of it has to do with the dungeon you’re running/the tank’s covenant choice. So it’s hard to be general - but they did a good job with tanks this expansion i think.
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Healer PoV
Guardian and Veng are both really easy to heal, a (good) Prot being a close second - emphasis on the good. They are a lot like Blood DK but rather than timing their mitigation via healing, they’re timing their mitigation via… Mitigation. A bad one will make your life horrible, a good one will make you forget you actually have a tank in the group.
In terms of tier ranking, I’d agree with this list assuming the person playing knows what they are doing. If you’re just afk brain, then Guardian with the Ursoc legendary goes to the top of the list closely flanked by DH.
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I had a blood knight tank a +12 and I didn’t have to heal him.
He did 4k dps and 5k hps! pretty great!
He was pulling 13k+ HPS in big pulls, which was way more than enough!
My new favorite tank!
If they fixed our bugs and gave us a few conduits that weren’t flaming garbage, monk would not be sinking into the mud.
We’re not bad, but it feels like monk development always an all-nighter cram session before the project is due the next day.
All of our finesse conduits are straight up hot garbage. Their scaling is on the absolute wrong factor like lingering numbness and dizzying tumble. (The scaling should be on the TIME, not the %) fortifying ingredients is lol. We have a whole TWO brew-specific potency conduits.
We could be so great with just a little bit of love and attention, but because this game is a mess of development triage, we need to settle for “functionally broken, but kinds ok I guess”
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Not really agreeing, given the fact that almost the top 10 dungeon runs are all done by protection paladin, and they’re at the bottom of icy veins list. No other tank has completed a 30 timed. There are too many variables going on for that list to be accurate in my book
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If this was 5 months ago, I’d say you had a point.
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If anything, tanks are easily the most balanced or all viable across the board up to the high end.
DPS and healing not so much.