I get that it’s a racial trait, but making a racial trait something that the entire player base has been asking for since the beginning of time is wonky.
why do you need 8 extra slots
void storage, max sized bags, max sized banks
do these 8 meager slots actually do anything that’s worth complaining about?
i need them for my fungus squeezings
I wouldn’t be complaining and I wouldn’t have to hoard things if Blizzard would stop removing things from the game, that I don’t feel safe in deleting.
You’re still engaging with me. Why are you doing this to yourself?
Hot Take: Extra bag space just makes inventory management worse, not better.
People want extra bag space when their bags are full, so they can carry more items at any given time. However, that just delays the inevitable, because it’s an RPG and items are always dropping. 80-90% of which are useless to their character outside of a source of revenue at vendors and the auction house. More bag space doesn’t mean carrying more useful items. It’s not like they’ll be able to play better or be stronger due to more bag space. More bag space just means a bigger mess to clean when they inevitably have to clean it.
The actual solution to this is automated bag cleaning and organizing. Sure, some addons can help (like those that autovendor gray items), and the Reagent bank helps too, but - like most RPGs - inventory management is almost entirely manual, and most players take the “so long as I have bag space for my next venture into the world, I’m good” approach. Compare to, say, Fracking Mod Starcraft, which has ways to build and automate inventory cleaning and sorting for thousands of items? Any RPG’s inventory management is going to be hella manual.
Since larger bags don’t mitigate the problem, only delay and amplify, it’s better to keep a smaller bags that can be easily managed.
EDIT: Sure, there’s a balancing act. You can’t have so little bag space that you can’t easily carry what you need + whatever you’ll find in any one venture from town. However, too much is a big mess. I like having like… four 16-slot bags. Usually, whatever I can buy off the General Goods vendors.
Void Storage is dumb. Costs money to put things in and take things out.
Bank slots aren’t 100% useful. It’s for stuff you don’t have a reason to carry anymore.
I think the real problem is when you come across content like Mechagon. Suddenly you’re inventory is bursting with spare parts, and even when you can make them into crates you’ve got that, charged and uncharged batteries, three items farmed from mobs at the junkyard to be turned into machines to get loot coffers, etc…
Thankfully not every patch brings a zone as inventory-intensive as Mechagon, but we’re also eight expansions into this game by now, meaning there are hearthstones galore, flight whistles, compasses, ancient mana locator stones, grappling hooks, etc… A lot of stuff has been added to this game over the years, and more and more get added every patch.
Personally? I think Vulpera could’ve done with a better racial than increased bag space. Something like gathering yields x2 the results or something. Pretty powerful (economically), still plays into the scavenger/survivalist racial theme, etc… I think everyone should’ve received the eight extra backpack slots.
Mechagon was 100% an inventory-management nightmare, but also seems to be more like an exception than the rule.
Vulpera got a camp. Best RP racial ever. I will fight anyone on this.
EDIT: Honestly, allied race racials are so fun and useful, they need to go back and redo the core race racials. Sure, “hit enrage button, do 10% extra damage for 20 seconds” might be the meta, but HOT DAMN that’s nowhere near as cool and fun as “Summon a drill to take you anywhere in the world” or “shoot a laser out of a space cannon at your enemies.” Maybe not take the core race racials away, but add more active fun ones.
EDIT 2 Electric Boogaloo: I used to hate the way the Velf active racial was implemented, but I started to play with it some, and figured out how to use it. It’s great. You ever wanna get 200 yards away from something in about 4 seconds? Shoot the racial in the direction you wanna go, run the other way, have said thing chase you, then pop it and go in the original direction.
Shadowlands has started out as an inventory-management nightmare itself in a few ways. Namely, anima. You get tokens, and they sit in your inventory until you get to your Covenant. Conveniently it’s one click to get rid of them all and free up all that space, but one’s bags can get pretty full since Blizzard decided to make two or three variants of these tokens for uncommon and rare variants, which when multiplied by four covenants means eight to sixteen tokens sitting in a bag, which is half of a 32-slot bag.
And heaven forbid you’re, at any point, still trying to do Mechagon stuff to get the meta-achievement for the best mount in the game, because you’ll still need an entire bag dedicated to all that stuff.
I’d be happy if Blizzard combined Allied Races with their Core Races and then made it possible to select your racials from a pool of racials. So you can have 1 or 2 active racials, and then 3 or 4 passive ones. Maybe you’re going to roll a Blood Elf, but you’re not going to make an enchanter. You could have preternatural calm instead, which is amazing for casters. Or if not a caster, Ethereal Connection to make transmogs nice and cheap. Or if you’re a Void Elf and you’re going to roll an enchanter, grab that one Blood Elf racial.
I think the idea of being able to select from a pool of racials helps add to the immersion of the game in a lot of ways. Maybe you’re a Night Elf, but you’re not the sort to think themselves strong enough to use Shadowmeld. I mean, if all Night Elves can use it, why did none of them do so during the War of Thorns to escape the Horde? Seems like it’s not something every Night Elf can do.
My bags are almost 100% empty most of the time. I only carry around my Hearthstones and the expansion relevant “Flask” item that buffs my stats. Only time they get filled up is via questing/farming.
My traditional bank storage is occupied by random knick-knacks. Halaa battle tokens, crafting components that have gone grey in various reworks, every journal we’re given, quest items that for whatever reason never despawned after the quest, an entire 30 slot bag filled with nothing but Nether Eggs.
I’ve amassed a lot of nonsense in 16 years of playtime, and what’s wild is this incarnation has only existed since Mists of Pandaria. This isn’t even one of the “originals”. I think Oleandis (My Hordie and original body for Vanndrel) is still rocking Blood of Heroes in his bank.
My materials slot of the bank is even worse. Leather, Scales, and Cloth of all strips from all expansions on the off chance I can ever make something for someone. Every time I come back to the game, I do a AH fire sale on most of my mats (I keep all my Dragonscales though. Those are still rare enough I don’t part with that easily) only to build back up a surplus with my various farming expeditions before my sub runs out again.
Void Storage is strictly to stick things that don’t have Vendor values attached to them. Old Tier Armor, Anniversary Gifts, Tabards, etc. They go into Void Storage expressly because they’re not going to come back out.
Yes please!!! As a Worgen player I would love this.
My 2 preferred added racials for Worgen would be:
Pounce: In-game, in lore, in the comics, and in the novels we see Worgen hunt their prey and leap huge distances to attack something or run away… and yet we the players can’t do this? Why? Give us a racial that let’s us jump a far distance and feel like predators leaping into action.
This one is more my personal preference and they would have to add lore for why this is the case, but Moonleaf Potion: Add a racial where every 12 in-game hours Worgen have to pop this racial to keep their feral side in check or else risk losing themselves to their beast within. Per the Wolfheart novel we learn that the ritual Worgen undergo isn’t a cure-all for the curse. You can still revert back to your feral side, so have Blizzard write up a quick lore blurb saying,
“Those who have undergone the ritual are beginning to revert back to their feral nature, but with the use of the Moonleaf plant that their Kaldorei allies have provided, the Gilneans have learned to make a potion to keep their feral side at bay.”
Boom. It adds back a dangerous/savage aspect to Worgen that makes them unique which I felt was lost once you leave the Gilnean starting zone. It’s just a cool flavor text thing.
You’re choosing OwO ~pounces and nuzzle you~ as your racial?
Pro worgen move, there.
LOL I mean I just used pounce because leap is taken I believe by Warriors.
Cries in Shalassian.
woops now i want a “make a new race” thread
You guys got screwed. A mailbox and the world’s worst AoE slow. The mailbox is cool, though!
I wish their racial would have been data mined early on, which was basically a weaker version of Demon Hunter spectral sight.
Gosh! I didn’t like that! Starcraft 1 and brood war was dark, the story was dark. No matter how much jim raynor loved Kerrigan in SC1 he knew he had to kill her. Her crimes, genocide, and betrayal out weighed Jim raynor’s love. Now They have this crap where she’s the some sort of trump card against the xel’naga. It basically went into this kid like fairy tale ending. It seems like that’s what they’ll do with sylvanas.
Yeah the mailbox is extremely handy, especially since I have a brutosaur. But I just want something that screams Nightborne. And yeah, the illusion dispel was cool, wish that’d made it in. Particularly if it allowed me to break the stupid vanish-stealth of mobs in Nathria and Sanctum.
An illusion! What are you hiding?
I always felt like they got the Gobbo and Worgen rocket-jump/swift-jog racials backwards. They should have given the Goblins the dash and Worgen the little leap.
Agreed, especially since Worgen have the racial Running Wild anyways… why do they need another running racial?
Part of me feels like giving RPers access to a dedicated glomp button is too dangerous, but I will support this nonetheless