Seriously. “Yeah, this race which has been sending armies into multiple conflicts are too few in number. So, take this race that’s an, ‘elite crack squad,’ instead.”
ideally, imho, shadowlands will do poorly enough that they’ll feel the need to pull a hail mary with the next expac and they’ll cave and give us a bunch of stuff we’ve been asking for (high elves, ogres, etc.)
but realistically shadowlands will probably underperform a little but not enough to get them to actually change up the formula and the next expac will just be shadowlands 2: revenge of the systems
I think after 17 years, the era of Hail Marys is long since over.
I think the problem is they can’t commit to them. Looking at Allied Races, we haven’t seen anything since the end of BFA, and let’s be honest, they played the game of, ‘Corrupt a Wish,’ with every request Alliance players had, and then spitefully insulted them over it.
We just got brand new Customizations, another Hail Mary, something players have wanted since the game started. We were told more were coming over the course of Shadowland’s life cycle. Next thing we know, “Oh, no, customizations aren’t coming anymore in Shadowlands. They’re not really, ‘content.’”
I don’t know what they could provide at this point. Races we’ve wanted? Customizations we’ve asked for? Those won’t even be bandaids at this point. The game itself is fundamentally broken with all of these systems designed to invoke FOMO. More content has been removed from the games in the last three expansions than added because of them removing borrowed power systems and stuff like quests for legendary capes or rings.
That’s not even touching on the absolute mess that is the story right now.
Short of a reboot, I don’t see how they can turn this around, and right now a reboot won’t get them anywhere. I am convinced the people still playing WoW are trapped in sunk-cost fallacy, and losing everything they have will just finally let them be free, and not just free, but also spite-filled for losing almost two decades worth of work into this game.
I really don’t think WoW is salvageable anymore. I’m worried they’re going to push it into maintenance mode and try to get what money they can from the whales, and just let it rot.
I guess you could say High Elves were an offer…
/clumsily puts on sunglasses, missing a lens
Void in some states.
that’s what we thought Shadowlands would be coming from BFA. We though BFA was the rock bottom and Shadowlands was their hail mary. how’d that work out!
Because they don’t have the staffing TO commit to them. We’ve got no hard numbers, but it’s been pretty clear since Legion that given all the Blizzard layoffs to get the CEO a new yacht, there are empty chairs where they weren’t before.
Hell, years from now it might turn out that Shadowlands was the product of what for any other MMO would be the “Maintenance Mode” team.
i want to believe!!! you can’t kill hope, baevanas!!!
I think when a large portion of the community in WoW decides that the best thing to ever happen to the game was to remove 17 years of updates from it, then perhaps it’s a hopeless scenario.
But maybe I’m wrong and they’ll turn it around. I’ve just stopped waiting/hoping and now enjoy most of my Blizzard interaction here on this forum basically poking the corpse that is WoW Retail with a stick to see if it’ll twitch.
From one of the dumb chans or something so take it with a very stupid grain of salt but someone sent it to me and I figured I’d post it
I’m always half suspicious of posts like this, but there’s a lot of objective truth in between the lines. It’s just always a “who knows” with these things.
That said…
There is a blurb that rings like an 81mm mortar in my head:
“The new model for WoW is market the hell out of an expansion pack for a huge quarter than use 6 month lock ins to pad numbers for the quarters after that.”
I have been screaming this for several years now. People WANT to play this game. People WANT to come back to Azeroth. The expac hype, releases and initial numbers always back up that story and Blizz gets good sales at the start. However, after about month 3, is when things start to fall apart. By month 5-6, they’ve fallen and the slow ride to the next patch or expac begins.
Yeah it’s most very likely 100% BS but that stood out for me too since that seems to be the model since like WoD
It could be BS, but literally everything in there is at least plausible.
That’s been my biggest frustration over in GD. Yes, there’s a 99% chance it’s fake. People are completely rejecting everything in there though because of that. It’s most likely fake but the fact of the matter is there’s alot of truth to what’s in there such as repercussions to narrative choices and the game’s current model.
Edit: oh God they unironically used based and wokeness in there it’s definitely fake lmao. I swear these types just can’t help themselves. If they had left that out it would’ve been believable.
Whether it’s fake or not, the fact it’s a coherent and even somewhat realistic-sounding piece of work is bad all in itself. It just goes to show how far the WoW Development has fallen in the public eye, and that’s just for starters.
The only reason I don’t believe that, ‘Leak,’ is real is because it suggested an early 2022 expansion. Even if 9.3 is canned, they might push 9.2 out in November to coincide with FFXIV’s expansion release. The latest an, ‘early,’ 2022 expansion could be would be march, which would mean four months between 9.2 and 10.0. I just don’t see that happening.
Im thinking of this because of the fact that 98% of fem orc characters/players aren’t straight (on wra/mg, at least)
I wish I could see the dude bro male orc devs reaction to the fact that orc women love other women lol
Honestly it’s the only reason I keep visiting Orgrimmar.
Look they can’t help that women with rippling back muscles are to lesbians what boxes are to cats, which is to say I can’t finish this analogy without getting banned from the forums.
Can’t I?
Its too late.