9.1 includes more hatred and malice towards Night Elf Players (Spoilers)

I’ve heard some bits about Maiev and she sounds wild. I’d like to see her more than chasing Illidude around.

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The problem isn’t the alliance characters its how they are being used. Malfurion is an interesting character, hes just not used.

Same with the other Alliance leaders.

Alliance has the stronger leaders by far but judging from how things have played out over the past 15 years youd never know that…because Alliance leaders are never written to actually do anything against the Horde.

Any time one gets close to doing something like Varian, they add in some b.s. like Jaina suddenly becomes the defender of the Horde and has Alliance stand down.


Yeah, I’m disappointed that Vol’jin was destroyed prior to Legion (Well, in the beginning, rather). I loved that expansion but that’s one thing I’m down about. I just am so tired of the faction conflict and we should have banded together after Legion as opposed to all of this. Or at least been given the option. The option for some people would be nice.


You had the better writing for 15 years, let Alliance players actually have something for once.

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Jarod’s wife is dead.

Also why would Shandris and Jarod have to be a couple? It’s not like Jarod is a brilliant tactician or anything.

Maiev would make an interesting Alliance leader.


When Blizzard needs to show how SCARY something is, they have it beat up the night elves for PATHOS. Usually with the night elves being knee capped beforehand in some way.

I suppose it’s better than orcs, who exist mostly to be jingoistic minions.

Or goblins, who usually die for laughs.

Or draenei, who only wander through to be mystical every ten years. (How they sat out War of Thorns is one of the many issues…)

Or blood elves, who despite being more than half the Horde, barely exist in the story except for Slyvanas. And sometimes Lor’themar Starring As Horde Human Dude.


I am for the whole noble savage and warrior frat bro thing from vaniila, but you lost me at xenophobic racist.

Even if hating other races was not a staple in every single fantasy story and/or game, it wasn’t an issue in Vanilla. The reasons human head orcs, is because orcs came to Azeroth, were racists xenophobic monsters who tried to kill, subjugate or enslave every living race they came across. It wasn’t until EWC3 and Thrall that ANYONE on the Horde Sid was even close to being neutral much less good.

I still prefer the EQ style where you earn faction with each city and yes you can be an evil flesh eating troll that is welcome in the good high elf city if you grind ling enough.

WoW with it’s 2 forced faction just can’t let you do that. SO my Tauren are forced to be friends with Forsaken and Blood Elves they never would align with and would much rather war with because muh faction!


I mean if you really wanna play that game, Voljin died to a demon ambush because the Alliance’s top information network was infiltrated and high jacked.


Do you really think that matters? To just leave a love memory is not easy even when your old love is still there. Maybe in time .

In the end, someone will make a sacrifice and the cycle will keep going. Imagine all those souls in the maw attacking the jailer making him helpless as his victims were. Reminds you of tbc doesn’t it?

Virginia? Auto correct fail?

From context I think you mean Vol’jin.

And right, but being tricked by demons doesn’t put the blame of Vol’jins death on the Alliance. Meuh’zala was working that battle to get the guards out of the way for random demon #398709864 to get the stab in on Vol’jin.


Yeah but she had this whole “old married couple” vibe in Legion, and her comments on Tyranduh this expansion didnt seem much better.

So like every other NE… Theyd need to change that to make it good. Which they cant or wont, so I’d rather they just stop with NE anything altogether.

In reality, we need more Malfurion burying Orcs alive and stuff, and Tyranduh to actually stoop to the undead wife’s level, etc… But they wont.

Sadly, I thought it was because Vol’Jin thought he was a. DPS and never =needed to raise his defense stat. Maybe he failed his dodge roll

So here is my issue with “the Horde is noble savages!” as a viewpoint. At least as it applies to “the Alliance is just zenophobic!”

Their primary race, ye olde orcs, is a bunch of psychotic colonizers. They chilled out for a bit, but a quick flight over Ashenvale will show it was only a bit.

And then goblins …



I get you, but I see it as Thrall changed it.

And of course, you have Tauren who always were noble savages, yet somehow today Baine is hated for being what Tauren always were.


No, but again. Why does it matter that Jarod was ever married? It implies that Shandris and Jarod would have to be a couple for some reason, and there is no indication that is the case. Shandris is the Ranger-General of the Night Elf Army, literally second in command of the Night Elves.

Jarod is a brilliant tactician and was instrumental in defeating the Legion in the War of the Ancients.

They don’t need to be a couple to take over.

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If that’s my girl slyv still dunking on night elves in the after life I stan her forever


May be not but that’s my opinion.

And then Garrosh and later, Slyvanas hopped right back on the “Conquest makes right!” bus.

…really, though, I’m just uncomfortable drawing too many real world parallels (especially ones that aren’t too much help as applied to Azeroth).

This is a wacky cartoon world run by rule of cool.

And both the Horde and the Alliance have a grab bag of goodies, baddies, and the I-was-just-standing-here-ies.

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Nothing in lore says they would need to be a couple for them to both take the lead roles of the night elves.