9.1 includes more hatred and malice towards Night Elf Players (Spoilers)

Oh, the old “It wasn’t really the Alliance because blah blah excuse excuse Hordebaddur” argument.

Well let’s examine the fact.

  1. The Alliance weren’t out to get the Horde at the time seeing as they had just came to a truce and were working together to try to stop the invasion of the Legion.
  2. The information the Alliance had was the result of demonic trickery, and let’s not pretend the horde is immune from being tricked.
  3. Mueh’zala was trying to install Sylvannas as the new Warchief which required Vol’jin to be dead.
  4. It was a demon, not the Alliance who killed Vol’jin. Other than having bad intell, the Alliance had no fault in Vol’jin’s death.

That doesn’t show Sylvanas injuring Tyrande.

We’ve known the Night Warrior powers will kill her eventually. The fact she’s discharging energy suggests she used too much power defending Ardenweald. (As does the dialogue in the quest turn in)

The Heart of the Forest is also safe. It literally says the Winter Queen hid the sigil in the Heart of the Forest, and that we’ve driven the Mawsworn and Sylvanas out of Ardenweald.

So again, where the hell is this source for the OP? Cause it’s just spouting assumptions that could VERY EASILY be wrong at this point.

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looking at the horde leaders uptop icc it compared to the alli its kind of clear their lineup is becoming stale and blizzard is gonna do some rearranging; maybe even giving the spotlight more to the AR ones… many already think alleria is gonna be involved in some sort of silvermoon liberation plus whatever is going on between LT and thal… moira has always been depicted in questionable lighting yet muradin gets overshadowed by his brothers every time even falstad has more prominence. alliance leaders are getting kind of stale. at least with horde blizzard was like if we cant write anything more for them we’ll just kill them off.

they killed one of our velens off. im looking forward to seeing turalyon and alleria reform the old AoL and go full force in taking over quelthalas and stormwind and lordaeron the way they want.

i also think genn’s story is disappointing if he was gonna be written this way post-cata then prince liam should have let genn receive the arrow. can you imagine how vastly different the story would have played out

You can visit the Story forum. All such disputes are going on there.

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It does near the end where Ysera put her to sleep.

Again, this thread exists for a reason. I’m not moving to the Story forum.

The OP has yet to give an adequate source for any of her claims.

All I’m gonna say is I would have a lot more sympathy if this same poster wasn’t posting the same thing every couple of weeks about how the developers must hate the night elves and phrasing it as if they kicked their dog.

At no point does it state Sylvanas wounded her.

Visit the Story forum, which is usually where you search for sources and create links for arguments. There s fun.

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Oh, I have no sympathy for the poster. My thoughts are merely an overall feeling. :slight_smile:

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If the thread exists in this forum, then asking for sources here is acceptable.

If you want to keep directing me to the Story Forum, feel free to find the sources there and link them here.

Until then, the OP is a lie, and people need to be alerted that she’s making stuff up.

The Alliance gets fooled by SI:7: “Not the Alliance’s fault”

The Horde gets fooled by Sylvanas: “They must die”

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Did you see the video she may not be injured but she’s in a state where can’t function reasonably. She is injured in some way nonetheless.

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Uh no… only Sylvannas must die.

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See. My. Above. Post.

So basically this threads just op living in their own fanfiction of them being a perpetual victim as a fictional race? That seems to be what i’m getting from all i’ve read.

Yes, and we’ve known the Night Warrior powers will kill her since Shadowlands.

For all we know, she expended too much of the power, and that’s what’s killing her. There’s no evidence it was Sylvanas that injured her.