9.1 further disenfranchises non-competitive playerbase

Eh, if LoL was so casual friendly, then why is it, bare none, the most toxic community out of any game?

It’s not even close to as toxic as dota…

I’d argue that WoW is far more toxic. I’ve experienced more toxicity in WoW though it comes from passive aggressive rage and epeening.

I will suppose that in WoW, I keep chat channels turned off and I only do Q systems, lol. And even then, it’s rarely as heroics are worthless these days.

FFXIV is also casual for an MMO. Not an actual casual game.

Casual games by definition don’t really allow you to put in hundreds, if not thousands of hours. They’re just not designed to that that.

You know what the most successful casual games are? Stuff like Bejeweled or Angry Birds. MMO’s by their very nature are niche titles (yes, even WoW is a niche title) and demand hundreds, if not thousands of hours of investment. By definition they’re about as far away from casual as you can possibly get.

Tagging you in it cause I don’t feel like repeating myself.

Being the most “casual” MMO is like being the easiest Soulsborne game.

Ain’t nobody out there with hundreds of days /played in angry birds.

Gear actually confers an advantage in gameplay. You don’t advantage the advantaged. If someone is already good, they will already do more damage.

It’s funny how you mentioned education but don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re” as well.

Anyway, Wildstar died. Making this game more like Wildstar won’t make it thrive.

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I’m assuming you mean hours and not games?

Plenty of games that are meant to be played for hundreds of hours. One thing that marks a “casual” game, is how short of a play session can you play and still make meaningful progress in the game?

Most singleplayer games can be saved on a whim so you could play as little as 10, 15 minutes and still make some progress.

Some singleplayer games demand an hour+ between saving in some egregious circumstances (older JRPGs).

MMOs, well… it depends. WoW and FFXIV both I would say have a minimum time investment of about 20 minutes (a dungeon), not counting the Q/joining process with raids taking about an hour.

Total playtime, I don’t agree, has any factor on casualness of a game. IMO, if you’re going to use a time metric, you need to use a “minimum time investment” instead, as people who are more casual have smaller chunks of time to spend on a video game.

Even if you take some singleplayer game that’s not all that serious, but yet doesn’t let you save your progress until 30+ minutes later… that’s not a good casual game to be honest.

This is one of the reasons why I quit Warframe. Warframe is about as casual as you can get for multiplayer games but they kept leaning more and more towards endless mission modes, and a lot of the rewards are gated behind 3 waves/15 minutes of a mission and people are going to want more chances than just 1, so you end up with 30/45/60 minute runs which kinda defeats the purpose of wanting to play a “casual” game.

On Steam, the game with the highest playtime I have that’s singleplayer?

Terraria, 1500 hours.

2nd highest?

Skyrim, 500 hours. 800 if you include both Skyrim and Skyrim SE.

After that? Subnautica and Stardew Valley IIRC.

You’re trying to tell me that Stardew Valley is not a casual game?

In this regard, a level of a mobile game that can be beaten in a minute or two has a “casual” mmo like FF or WoW completely trounced.

How much do you have in WoW?

1500 hours is 62 days /played. (Roughly).

Oh boy. Give me a few minutes. lol.


i can complete torghast on a freshly leveled character, sitting at 185 ilvl.

and you think it requires a decent power level to succeed??

sounds like a you problem

holy crap dude. the only barrier to entry is

  1. getting a key
  2. wearing big boy pants
  3. making your own group
  4. being patient while it fills

you really need to get over yourself. someone not inviting you to their group is not discrimination

I’m just going to stop here. if you would put half the effort into playing the game and networking with others as you do into playing the victim, and formatting this post, you would be doing yourself some favors.

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Anybody wanna grab a calculator?

EDIT: For some reason, Armory is not showing 4 of my Horde characters. weird.

This post should be in the Hall of Fame of WoW posts.

Not going to lie but I am jelly I didn’t come up with this.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Roughly 12,500 to 12,700 hours.

Mirella (the OP), in all the years I’ve been playing this game and reading this forum, this is without a doubt the greatest post about the status of the game that I’ve ever read.

It’s literally every gearing and play issue that the player base already knows full well (except for some of the posters in this thread who continue to prove how much they’re a part of the problem), and the company & development team either chooses to disregard or simply doesn’t understand, all rolled into one.

Huge props for your post.

Blizzard, get a grip and read that post. The earnings call just said that you’ve lost over a quarter of the player base in the past few years… that’s going to continue until you START TO LISTEN.


Sounds like they should have not given the 197 covalent gear out so easily and instead split it up though dungeon currency and the 4 primary reps.

Then you can get it more slowly and with a feeling of progression.

For that to work, they would had to have reduced mob difficulty some, and/or lessen the pain of the scaling.

I don’t mind gearing slower, but yet I don’t want to perpetually stuck in Argus, either.

Even with the covenant gear, my main (a 180 avg Ret Paladin) is finally starting to feel comfortable in some areas, especially Revendreth.

She can handle herself with little danger, I just don’t like how slow kills are. It feels like a slog.

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The elite areas of the zones are supposed to be hard if you’re referring to those.

Not necessarily elites, I mean some of the normal areas, especially that God-forsaken area south of the Ember Lands where you do those quests involving mirrors, with all the 20k health non-elites that take forever to die.

And even the elites… they’re not hard, they just take absolutely for fricken ever.

But then, is anything actually hard for a Ret? lol

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Curious, I assume you leveled/geared via world content in previous patches too? Did you notice the difficulty you’re describing pre-world-scaling or is this something that came along with scaling?

I did not do a whole lot of BfA, so I can’t comment much there, other than unlocking flying.

I found Nazjatar to be rather annoying in terms of difficulty, but that was to be expected, with it being Argus 2.0.

Argus, as I noted above, was a slog grind and a half, I hated that place. Loved the lore, and even the quests and sights, I felt they overdid the mob difficulty a wee bit.

Outside of Argus, though? Legion felt great. Once I got to max level and got some World Quest rewards to get to purple I-level, I was mowing stuff down comfortably, hordes of enemies fell at my feet.

Back during WoD, I quit during WoD .0 and didn’t return until almost Argus, that’s how much I hated WoD.

And in Pandaria? lol Pandaria was an awesome power trip. Once you got up to Heroic gear, you were roflstomping open world content, which is to say nothing about what Timeless Isle gear did to you. It made you feel absolutely godlike.

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I don’t remember when they started the world scaling, but I think it was after pandaria.

I wish they wouldn’t do the scaling, I think it’s hard more negative results than positive.