9.1 - Do the devs hate healers?

Sounds like you want to play 20 minute games where you barely do anything

As someone who has returned to wow since Cata and before, I must say, healers this season were incredibly stronger than they were when I used to play WoW. Healers are healing 90% of health pools in 1 to 2 globals with mostly instant casts. Back then that never happened unless it was a holy pally popping all CDs. Every healer had to long cast back then except druid somewhat (they still had to long cast to burst heal) and even then the heals weren’t that strong.

Also from what I understand most of these MS aren’t perma-MS so it will required specific usage during certain moments. No more 20k hps as soon as you come out of CC’s.


I don’t think feral needed a MS. They are already strong as it.
Assa definitively didn’t need a 60% MS for 9sec they already have everything has is.

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From what I understand from this post people are still popping major CD’s too early. You can force people to CD without having to use major CD. I main rogue, and even though sub has mostly been meta, i’ve found the greatest success this season playing assassination. You pressure and chip health without teammates that force them to decide to tank into lower health pool or by popping defensives. You can even do this as sub with subterfuge and MA as an example. Although you aren’t killing people with soft openers with no CDs, subterfuge + MA and without CD’s added along with some healer damage/other dps damage, can force enemys to use CDs. I’ve seen a lot of mistakes in tournaments lately and I blame the fast paced meta. If you force the enemy team to DR you up and pop cooldowns, killing people in mid game CC becomes much much easier. I’ve been watching the pros get CC’d up during there burst phases and am just screaming why? Watching pikaboo use fleshcraft during kill windows explains it all.

Used rogue as an example since I’m the most familiar.

i could agree with like hemotoxin sure

but for the most part things like feral getting or dh having got MS really i think only increases potential comp variety

i think feral will likely be a lot more desirable in something like flx or fpx

i think dh will look a lot better with wizards as well
(WITHOUT being a mana burn bot)
when we move into a different meta

i think the moonkin clone healing done reduction though is bizarre and a really stupid

The ol “incapable of imagining a middle ground” mongo reply.

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Also would like you add, if you died while healer was in CC and he never made it out, MS doesn’t do anything at that point but slow down your self healing/supporting teammate healing which is sorta nice, because personally im sick of hybrids being able to keep people alive in 3’s without having to full CC two targets at once.

Probably because dampening games are not fun to play.

Big facts. Healers need more love then.


If its to increase comp diversity then Ret better get one too.
Good ret comps are always ret arms, ret rogue, ret hunt. Surprise, surprise, only stuff with a ms and passive slow lmao.

Most these comps are only comps when dmg is severely overtuned for 1 or both specs in those comps. The lack of MS in those comps drags the games into deep dampening just to land a kill.

Would prefer better cc chains and tools to control people instead of MS but maybe being added to more specs imo is a win

most likely to even out the disparity between classes. some classes are so much more valuable than others because of the mortal strike effect. by giving it to more melee they can even that out and balance around it. also if every melee has it they can balance healing around it easier as well.

this is my logic. blizz could very well just add it and then give no hotfixes until 9.2 so /shrug

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I agree. This is pmuch why MoP caster cleaves like godcomp, aff/ele, and boom/aff felt super threatening. Even now, fire/sp feels insane due to sp & mage tools along with insane burst window from combust.

Although I’m totally not against ferals and assa MS, it’d be nice to see some casters get some extra dmg power here and there to feel relatively on par with the effectiveness of MS.

Yeah I think good things like shadow rift / ice wall open up niche applications where you can utilize those tools to be on par or even better than an ms.

More classes need good tools like that in PvP talents.

Also better burst options in PvP talents is good as well.

Fel lord hitting like a truck opens up many demo comps imo.

Maybe ele gets a PvP talent where we summon a huge volcano eruption that does massive aoe dmg and applies flame shocks on all targets :slight_smile:

For ele, I’d personally want unleash back as a PvP talent where it empowers our next fire or nature spell greatly (prob 30% more effectivess). Helps dish out periodic scary nuke dmg every now and then and keeps people on their feet and punishes them from staying out in the open without regret.

Also I feel like increasing the LB proc rate would be a great way to indirectly have a flame shock dispel protection. Or if not that, then atleast reduce the cd of flame stock down to 2.5sec or 3 sec so it doesn’t feel extremely underwhelming when it gets dispelled and the user doesn’t have to wait for 6 sec to reapply it.

Also wishing for all shaman specs to get grounding baseline and more importantly get a significant buff to totems like healing stream. Kinda feels like no one really cares about totems and bypass it like a trivial ability. It’s about time shaman totems start acting like they matter lol.

Ele sham PvP talent ideas

Elemental devastation - create a volcano eruption in a 12 yard aoe that does massive aoe dmg and applies flame shocks on any targets hit. Instant cast 45 sec cd

Maelstrom overcharge - drains 5 maelstrom every second until depleted. gives you 15% haste and increases your flame shock tick dmg by 35% - 30 second cd

Control of lava - gives you an extra charge of flame shock. Anytime a flame shock is dispelled the dispeller is inflicted with a flame shock that ticks 25% Faster

2nd idea sounds pretty cool. As a MoP ele fan, I’d love some extra dmg modifiers towards meatballs so they have some greater effectivess at times.

I think best way to make flame shock stand out and stay on targets more frequently is to reduce its cd by 50% or give it 2 charges?

Yea ideally 2 charges and lava surge procs generate flame shock charge

Both teams had MS every game… Rogue, Monk, and Hunter all have MS.

Off the top of my head good comps that I know of that don’t have a MS effect are
-God Comp
-Shadow Play