9.1 covenant

I do exactly that, I’ll swap to whatever yields the highest result.

Again this mentality might suit you and not playing to the best of your ability but I’m not that type of player. You can play sub par if you have moreb fun that way and i won’t try to stop you.

The thing with an mmo is content progression is its not an individual pushing. The better i can do the more i can make up for someone struggling, so yes it can make a difference.

at this point i think blizz is just toying with dh players, just to see for how long they can stay playing a bad class with no chances.


i switched many times on my shaman and i’m not doing this crap again, losing all the upgrades and animas, having to redo all the covenant storyline, no thx

If you want to continue this, you’re already playing sub-par by the fact you’re playing a DH. Simply put, you can play whatever covenant you want and still compete at your level.

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yeah if you are chasing meta playing havoc you are doing it wrong. Havoc isn’t meta and won’t be anytime soon. if you want maximum havoc potential that is night fae and will continue to be night fae unless they MASSIVELY buff something else or nerf night fae while buff everything else

Niya gets a mastery bump alongside her heal, so it’s not null. Granted, mastery is pretty garbo for Havoc (and has been for years, not sure what Blizzard’s deal is there. Can’t even blame First Blood and corruptions for shifting the damage away from Chaos, either), but it’s still something. For mastery-favoring specs (ex. MM on my hunter), it’s actually quite strong, amounts to about 200 more mastery during our CD window and a passive ~13 extra per random stack.

Never said i was chasing the Meta, only attempting to get as much as possible out of the class i play. I would be playing something different however if my guild had another DH to bring brand.

See above.

and that was the second half of that post that you probably didn’t read