9.1 boss spoilers

Well, I had a bit of pity toward them. They were seeking freedom (kind of), and became tools. Oh well, I guess some resolution for the story is better than nothing. Maybe. Need moar details.

gl hf

Need more details, indeed. At this particular point, I’m not sure whether i’d prefer resolution or nothing.

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I find those memes are still appropriate.


No, we never knew who the last Val’kyr was, just they were most likely the one who gave Nathanos his new body just prior to Legion.

Annhylde took Sylvanas’ place in the maw
Agatha, Arthura and Daschla died at the end of Silverpine Forest to bring back Sylvanas after she died to Godfrey
Aradne was killed by the Alliance at the end of Western Plaguelands
Brynja died at Darkshore
Kyra is the one who brought back Derek
Signe was the other Val’kyr at Darkshore

Kyra, Signe and this Skyja are the only 3 still “alive”.

Although that raise questions about Geirrvif and Olrun. The former was the overseer of the Vrkyul Arena in Icecrown and the latter was overseeing the attack on the Scarlet Enclave in the core race (minus Pandaren) DK starting area. Given that the 9 that sided with Sylvanas were meant to be the last scourge Val’kyr, we can assume that Geirrvif and Olrun were killed offscreen at some point prior to Edge of Night. Could say that they were members of the unnamed Val’kyr that we thought in ICC, such as the two flying around the teleporter to the Frozen Throne or the ones involved in the Lich King encounter.

I still like to believe that he is only working with Zovaal to get his bromance buddy back, and maybe his cat. I like to imagine that Daddy D threw in Biggleworths soul into the maw as “insurance”. Given that all cat souls (unless they be wild gods) go to Revendreth when they die. Could also have it that KT tried to usurp Sin’dane for his own personal goals. Make it that he didn’t trust the Jailer so he tried to gain power for himself to try and rescue Arthas by force if the Jailer double crossed him. But something like that is beyond the current writers at blizzard.

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valkyr also includes https://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=178686/annhylde

Booo, was expecting the final boss of the megadungeon to be Xy’mox from CN, since he teleports out of the encounter instead of being killed. Interesting that the maw weapon Xy’mox had sold to Denathrius is being used again in the mega dungeon though. I guess Cartel Xy reclaimed it after Daddy D was defeated.

Eh I’m fine with not taking them out yet. Good to leave some alive for later stuff.

The only problem i have is that blizzard will probably forget about him. Like they have done with Goriona from Dragon Soul.

There were few seemingly not bound by the pact somehow. Maybe we’ll learn more someday. For now, since Helya is on the horizon, Odyn likely will make a personal appearance too, so maybe more val’kyr info.

I don’t think there ever was a direct mention of them being the last. These 8 followed Annhylde, sure, but maybe not the rest.

I got a ring named after her in the pre-patch :eyes:

gl hf

I believe Edge of Night clearly stated that the 9 that swore loyalty to Sylvanas (with Annhylde taking her place in the maw) were the only scourge Val’kyr left.

“I am Annhylde the Caller. These are my sister battlemaidens, and we are the only nine who remain.” - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/story/short-story/leader-story/sylvanas-windrunner page 4

Which means that Geirrvif and Olrun are dead, killed off screen as they are not members of the 9.

She was in the game during the prepatch.

While that is not impossible, there is no info about what happened to the rest. So, I would keep Annhylde as unreliable narrator. Time will tell though.

gl hf

Blizzard didn’t phase all of icecrown during the prepatch. Just locations where the quest chains were involved in and where the rares spawned.

So you can’t really use that as evidence that she is still around. Most likely just that area she was in was still set to Wrath era phasing or an oversight on Blizzards end. They do tend to do that.

The Broker Megadungeon’s Final Boss’s Death Magic is as expected called Hyperlight just like Xy’mox’s. Amazing how the more radiant Magics are referred to as Light(and that includes Revendreth’s Death Magic by the way despite also being called Dark and Twilight) while less radiant Magics are either called Dark or Twilight!

In the story built around unreliable narration, what characters say can’t really be used as “truth” either.

Someday we might get more clear info. Maybe yes, maybe no.

gl hf

Source please, or shut up and stop jumping the gun.

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Wait… this does make sense though- if the 9 were originally made by Helya and became servants of the Jailer that way, and then the Jailer gifted them to the Lich King. IIRC, it took a while for Arthas to be able to make them. Maybe the 9 were the ones who made it possible for him to make them in the first place.
Since the 9 were the greatest warrior women of their age- to me that means Helya would have almost had to have made them, because the Lich King had not really been around for that long.


If Annhylde becomes an “unreliable” narrator because of a retcon then that is just plain lazy and stupid. Like what blizzard did with the Chronicles books.

I like unreliable narrators in stories, but they need to be shown to be that from the start. Not YEARS after because some lazy writer couldn’t be bothered to check prior lore.


Weren’t there only 3 left?
Didn’t Tyrande kill one just in BFA?

Part of me wants old Thrall back in his black armor and wolf throne in Orgrimmar when the Horde were the redeemed monsters with a second chance.

Now they are just selfish Aholes who wipe out a country every couple years. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth you know? Like you bite into a ripe fruit but it was sour.

All the dead Valkyrs went back to the Jailer, didn’t they?