9.05 No changes on Arcane , again, bravo

Good job ignoring arcane spec, nobody could have it done better! Only changed is a nerf to PVP and one out of four legendary power.


Well they are buffing venthyr. And the arcane harmony buff makes it stack from 105% increased dmg to 144% which is decent.

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A spec should not be defined by a convent or a simple legendary power. Do you mean the illusion of choices arcane mage has ?


It just provides more flexibility. It does not change Arcane’s ceiling at all.

Correct me if I am wrong but clearcasting with amplification is 9 waves correct? Which means now you can double clearcast missiles and get the full benefit where as before you are essentially wasting the legendary during the second AM cast. So yes, it is a buff to arcane’s ceiling.

Thats most classes and specs right now. Balance druid, arms warrior.

Except it is still junk in PvP, and a legendary which completely empties your arcane charges for mediocre damage. It should be reworked to not expend your charges (first use or something).

Nope, a fully channeled CC proc fires 8 missiles and gives you 8 stacks of harmony.

Bump this thread

No changes to Arcane. Bottom of warcraft logs.

“Business as usual!” - Blizzard class designer, probably

I think they are still counting their profits from last quarter. Expect a response if they have a bad quarter, and/or their subs tank, which I think is happening.

Nope, it’s 8 waves which means that with the new change to Arcane Harmony you will either be wasting a ton of ticks by using 3 CC AMs or use 2 and cast a third AM without CC which will feel awful. I genuinely don’t understand how they could be so daft when making the change… unless of course they just don’t give a damn and want to make it seem like they’re giving us something when they’re really not which actually explains a lot.

Winner winner

/no letters needed

To be faire, they have problem to make 1 spec per class to be valuable, they are far far away to the point they will spend resource on balancing spec. SL feel like a cost reduction.

Arcane has an extremely high skill ceiling. If they buff the spec like they did Frost (9% and then 3%) it would legit break the spec. It’s ranking as high as #2 on some mythic fights (among mages) even in its current state.

The other issue is it’s very difficult to blanket nerf or buff a spec like Arcane because its damage shifts dramatically as you switch talents around.