That Flask of Unbridled Darkness

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I like it a lot, especially in Bastion.

Can you tell the devs to fix Pandaren female leather shoulders pls, latest patch broke’em.


I have seen it but haven’t taken it yet. Plan to do it with a group of friends to have fun.

Maybe on a Saturday drinking night to boot!


Here’s my question for you Kaivax - why do you think we should take this item, when it could potentially screw up 30-45 minutes worth of gameplay? Because if I’m playing Torghast, I’m not looking for something to ruin my own run. This isn’t an actual Rogue-like where we play the game for fun - the majority of people still playing Torghast three months after the expansion launched are doing so because it rewards Soul Ash - and if we’re playing for Soul Ash, we’re not going to trip ourselves up with a rogue variable that could blow up in our face 45 minutes later.


Hilarious and fun, way stronger than the Beasts and Chorus, those two need to be buffed up to Darkness’s level.

Get a Censer or two, then just kinda zoom around for a bit until Unbridled Darkness wears off, then go back and pick up all the loot.

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It’s a riot with a full group.

Look for a subsequent power called Sands of Desperation. It makes time speed up for you while you’re in darkness.


A few of us used it during a guild group run… Amusing in the narrow corridor areas, as the panic to whether someone was about to fall off or not, or why they were spam dps’ing empty air while facing the wrong direction.

Absolutely melted the last boss in less than 5 seconds when others had the ‘more damage for each person using it close to you’ power.

Might make a group TC run a lot quicker if it’s usable there, especially on that last stack of floors.

I read the tooltip, decided “wow that’s one of the stupidest things I ever heard of” then left torghast because it sucks


I will just take the vanilla powers and speed through CHORE-ghast as fast as possible so I can forget I had to do it again this week.


Its insanely fun with boomkin convoke! watching the end boss melt is awesome!

Reminds me of “Blind as a Bat” talent from HOTS.

I haven’t used it but I’ll see if I feel like doing Torghast this week. We finally got Layer 8 of of TC done and I am Torghasted out for a few days >.<

That sounds terrible. Almost as bad as not being able to back step.


I don’t have anymore friends who still play that enjoy Torghast. I don’t need it on my main, and I don’t seem to have time to play it on alts… so the chances of me setting foot in there this week is very very slim despite your best efforts… and ability to make me google wth you were talking about.


I haven’t run Torghast yet this week. By the description, I feel like it’s situational and some classes will have more luck with the ability. As a melee, I’m not sure it’s for me, but I’ll give it a try.

Do people actually back-step in non-tank roles?


Lol, shall do. Let’s see how far we get. :joy:

Back pedaling on Sludgefist when he Chain Slams your ranged is good.

Blues are allowed to have fun too, yknow?


Not Torghast related, but I have on Sludgefist when I only needed to step back a half-step rather than run a few yards from his circle of death. Less downtime between casts when my insta-dots are already refreshed ya know.

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I’d be more sympathetic if they were actually active on the forums and responding to issues.