9.0 New Player Starting Zone

(Original Discussion on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/eeobx9/90_new_player_starting_zone/)

Since they are already adding this new starting zone I was wondering about a few things.

As someone who came to WoW VERY late, there were mechanics and player content I didn’t understand or get to until very late into my gaming experience. I started playing semi-seriously in Legion and am up to date with guild raids/mythic + etc. in Bfa. So I understand if my opinions and thoughts may not be aligned to seasoned players.

I was very interested in the new player starting zone that allows players to explore the content of the game on a mini scale. As someone who really wanted to get into the game, I think the following would be great for new players to be exposed to get them excited about future content. I understand the argument could be, well they play an entire expansion to learn these things, but the expansions aren’t there to point new players to what they can do, but rather add new content to the already established world.

Show where rewards come from early on, where to look and show different opportunities to find it, a few examples:

  • Maxing out trial Professions: Maybe have a few trial professions that could be used for the mini Raid/mini Dungeon, such as potions, gems, basic enchantments, etc. They could be really small and nothing too complex or generally too useful. (Reason: I never maxed out or tried professions since it seemed pointless to me until I was an end game in Bfa and was bored, forcing myself to find content. If I knew about the power of professions earlier, I would have engaged with it sooner)
  • Maxing out trial Rep: Maybe have a small faction or simple rep grind to introduce the concept of gaining rewards for playing overtime. (I never knew about this while I was leveling a new character and didn’t seem important and rather pointless until I got the rewards for cheaper and better profession skills. Maybe offer an old easy to access mount that is already in the game for maxing out. Rewarding those who stay around.
  • Early PvP: Maybe have a que for the AI PvP to allow players to ease into PvP. I remember how stressed I was playing the first time PVP. What are the objectives? Where do I go? etc. By allowing new players to experience a PvP with AI, may help them ease into understanding the game. Let’s be honest, how many people will google how to play a game while playing it? Having a PvP introduction would be great for new players.
  • Show weekly rewards/chests or other late-game mechanics: I don’t know how long it takes to finish the trial zone, but maybe introduce late-game mechanics early on, to get the player excited for end game content similar of the current expansion. I never knew what WoW really was while leveling, everything being kept a mystery. I literally thought WoW was just the lvling experience and that was it. As a new player, it took far to long to know/understand what you could be doing or should be potentially excited about.
  • Show how to use the LRF/LRD without the instant que. Maybe have something to show how to use the tool early on, because a lot of the game was hidden from me unaware of how the tool even worked. It wasn’t a thing for me until I wanted to do Mythic +, and it made me very nervous not knowing how a lot of these things worked. I understand Guilds can help, but why not introduce some of these things earlier on?

I have had friends play WoW, only to quit while leveling being bored and not understanding what the game really has to offer. Maybe including more during the Introduction Zone, allowing players to stay for a little bit to complete content before heading to BFA allows them to understand what is awaiting them. I think the game needs to be demystified, and many who have been playing for years, may not understand how this needs to be. Though a power course on all/most of what WoW has to offer in a mini/trial form may spark the interest long enough to play current expansion end-game content.

I love WoW and I want more people to stick around long enough to see how much fun it really can be.