9.0 Arcane Leveling OP

Not a complaint really, but has anyone noticed arcane Leveling is insane in 9.0?

I’ve only gotten so far with it on live. But arcane blast nearly one shots mobs with 4 charges. Arcane explosion too. So far Mana hasn’t been an issue at all, so I’m just a walking canon.

Yet Fire Mages don’t get full functionality of Hot Streak until 18 I think?

Seems awkward is all.

It was odd like that prior to the pre-patch. During BfA, at low levels, arcane could go around just spamming arcane missiles for quick kills. A clearcast AM was devastating. Engage several mobs with one AM each, and those that did not die to one cast were quickly finished off as a group with arcane explosion.

The other specs will eventually catch up.

Gotcha, just feels kinda jarring with the level squish and new experience. Prior to that I wouldn’t have cared because I have 110 levels of blah.

Feels like reworking is needed. Definitely not now, but at some point.

Each spec is essentially its own class, so I understand that the devs are sorta kneecapped going in.

Maybe if they just introduced the “spec defining mechanic” in later levels and all at the same time? Then perhaps hammer out a solid “early mage” rotation. Might bring some identity back to leveling and class.

I started all over on a new server as horde for pre-patch.

Even frost is 2 shotting mobs and I’m only like 13

Yeah I did the same. Even without heirlooms. You’re right about Frost too, ice lance is shredding mobs.

I guess we’re all just cannons now

no dmg at max lvl though… at least not compared to rogues and priests.