spriest looking for a new home. I do a lot of M+, arena, and enjoy meeting and playing with new people. Looking for a guild that is welcoming and fun, but still focused on getting CE. Open to realm/faction swap, but prefer to stay on A52.
looking for raids to start at 8-9 est times, for 6-12 hours total for the week on weekdays
Guild Name: The Night Show Realm: Zul’jin Faction: Horde Bnet: Dream#13396 - Funnyb0nez#2530 - blueboy1000#1919 - solarie#1712 - theginger#2288 Discord: Dream#6696 - Eezy#5273 - Vinia#9560 - Kaleri#4716 - Jimby#7820 Current Progression: 7/9M BoD - 5 Hour a week schedule. Raid Days/Times: Tue/Sun/Mon 10p-1a PST / 1a-4a EST
The Night Show is a late-night guild focused on progression raiding. We currently going to be raiding Tues/Sun/Mon to ensure we get CE and push for top US 250-500 rankings. The guild is ran by CE and US top 10 players.
Recruitment open to all classes and specs for TEP, currently seeking DPS for the remainder of the tier.
Tank-Low Priority
Resto Shaman- high priority
Paladin Healer- high priority
DPS- High priority for all classes
[Transmog Emergency] is a 12 hour/week semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild on Mal’Ganis.
We are currently recruiting exceptional players to bolster our roster and acclimate into our tight-knit group. All spots are competitive; we expect our raiders to be up-to-date and utilize proper resources to master their class. Our raid schedule would be considered casual but that’s where casual stops; we make the most out of our time while raiding, progressing as quickly as possible in the time allotted, with our goal to get back to being a US Top 200 guild.
→ Guild provides cauldrons (flasks), and feasts (food buff).
→ We expect pre-potions as well as secondary potions on EVERY pull.
Get in touch with an officer to set up a Discord interview.
→ Broiled, <Karots#1306> - Discord: Broiled#6093
→ Druiman, <Druiman#1421> - Discord: Druiman#9501
→ Wenora, <Weatherleah#1569> - Discord: Wenora#2102
→ What, <Lin#1909> - Discord: Lin#7912