Longtime tank looking for CE-focused guild. I am looking for a permanent home, not interested in guild hopping.
Recent CE history:
EN: 7/7M CE
NH: 10/10M CE
ABT: 11/11M CE
Uldir: 8/8M CE
BoD: 9/9M CE
Ideal guild will have strong leadership and raiders that love the game and give their all every night. Absolutely willing to transfer and faction change, would love to be Alliance and serve daddy Anduin. Only considering CE guilds. Don’t hesitate to contact me at Atticusw#1578 (Bnet) or Atticusw#2219 (discord), replies to this thread probably won’t be as effective.
Preferred time and days: Anywhere from 7:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST. T/W/Th OR T/ Th/Sun. Any combination of days is basically fine so long as it’s 3 night and no Friday or Saturday. Willing to do 2 night if the guild is really damn good.
step dad> of Mal’ganis is looking for skilled and dedicated players to progress through Battle for Azeroth.
Current Progression 9/9M BoD
Raid days: Wed-Thurs(7:30pm-10:30pm est / 6:30pm-9:30pm central.) with optional off night on Tues.
We are currently recruiting consistent raiders for 8.2
We are currently recruiting players who can comfortably play their classes specs well. Especially interested in players who can heal or tank just as well as they can dps.
We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class, so if you feel that is you, please don’t hesitate to apply.
We are a 2 day, 6 hour a week, mythic raiding guild. We strive at being efficient in the little time we raid each week. Which means being prepared before the raid starts and being on time.
What we offer you:
A stable guild with dedicated players
A guild where you will be treated with respect and your voice will be heard. We always welcome thoughts, ideas, and strategies.
A raid team where spots are given out based on merit/attendance, not on favoritism.
A member rank for those who want to be in the guild but might not have time to raid every week.
A guild in which you will get as much back as you put in.
What we want:
Players with a strong raiding background, a willingness to improve and thorough knowledge about their class. We are a guild of team players.
Drive to be the best of your class and spec.
People looking to be part of a team for the long term.
We want each and every one of our members to enjoy raiding here with each other and we recruit like-minded individuals.
If you have any questions about anything, feel free to message Maru (Bnet ID: Maru#11697) We wish you the best in your guild search!
<Heroes of Fight Club> est. 2009
Server: Alliance US Sargeras PVP
Raid times (server, central time):
Fri 8:30pm - 11:30pm CST / 9:30p - 12:30a EST
Sun 6:00pm - 9:00pm CST / 7-10p EST
**Optional Sat 2:00 - 4:00p CST / 3:00-5:00p EST for Heroic clear
We are a progression oriented guild working with a casual schedule (only 6h of scheduled raiding a week). The goal is to achieve Cutting Edge for Mythic content each active tier.
Seeking high skilled and serious players for BfA. High priority: Core Tank spot, DPS (SP, lock, DK, DH), heal (disc priest, druid).
Hello. on Tichondrius Horde. Is currently looking for Exceptional Dps/Healers We are currently 9/9m and raid T-W-TH 8-11Pm EST. We are current recruitng for 8.2 To push ranks on our server.
That said, no raider ever has a guaranteed raid spot; every spot on every fight is earned. A fundamental belief of every officer in the guild is that we must put the guild before personal accomplishments.
If this philosophy does not align with your expectations, realistically, this is not the guild for you. If you think this fits how you play and the times/nights work for you. Then you can apply at FlexProgression .com ;D
We are a 3 day per week progression orientated mythic raiding guild. Currently 9/9M BOD CE and 8/8 CE uldir and seeking exceptional dps ,1 healer (pref resto shaman, priest, paladin), and 1 tank (strongly pref BM monk).
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sun - 7:30-11:00pm EST
Our goal is to push CE as quickly as we can on a reasonable raid schedule. Outside of mythic progression, we are active in other activities such as mythic key pushing, assaults, rbgs, etc. We run a lean raid roster and do not recruit for the bench, all needs are for core raid positions.
Current recruitment needs:
High priority :
Resto Shaman
Brew Master Monk
Ele Shaman
S Priest
All exceptional players are welcome to apply, even if your class / spec is not specifically listed. We review all properly submitted applications within 24-48 hours.
We strive to provide a quality progression orientated raid environment, if you are interested in joining the team you can submit an application here:
https:// bit .ly/2UbfYYl
For any questions please contact:
Oblvnxknight#1712 (btag) or oblvnxknight#6331 (disc)
Richard#11728 (btag)