Hi, as listed was 9/9m in this past tier 8/8h rn and looking for a guild, i can play all tanks and have 4 geared ones at the moment, im looking for a team that is mature and on or near the same level or progression and can kill bosses in a timely manner. a bit about me: im consistent, can take criticism and do m+ on the side was around 1930 last season, didnt push as much as i hoped
past progression this tier: 7/8m uldir 9/9m bod 2/2h cos 8/8h EP, james#12323 if you wanna chat
Hi Mylo! We are a new guild called . We are looking for members to join our guild and our journey to achieve CE this upcoming raid.
We are a bunch of IRL friends who have been playing since vanilla and finally decided to make our own raid! Our leaders are 8/9M BoD Exp and are looking for members to create a fun and outgoing raid environment while downing bosses as well.
For a guild that just started last week we are currently 8/8N and 1/8H while carrying some pugs until we recruit to complete our roster! This week we plan on completing one more week of normal to gear up some players who re rolled for us and head right into heroic afterwards.
Our raiding schedule is:
Tuesday 8-11pm EST
Thursday 8-11pm EST
Here is our link in case you want to view any extra details! Hope to hear from you!
Btag - Casti15#1473
Heyyy Mylo,
Think of how refreshing a fresh start on Mal’Ganis would be!
Arcanum is 6/8H Eternal Palace and recruiting a tank.
So far this expansion our team has earned:
9/9M BoD Cutting Edge
8/8M Uldir Cutting Edge
Mythic Raid Schedule
Tuesday: 8:00PM PST - 11:00PM PST
Wednesday: 8:00PM PST - 11:00PM PST
Thursday: 8:00PM PST - 11:00PM PST
We have a super quick and easy application
www.arcanum-guild .com
We also do a ton outside of raid!
Sunday Guild RBGs @ 7:00pm PST
We work hard to ensure all 120s finish a +10 key for the week
Heroic Alt Raid Fridays at 6:00pm PST
All Monk Normal RaidSaturday @ 3:00pm PST
Extra Alt Normal/Heroic Raid Saturday at 6:00pm PST with a guild on The-Scryers
There are always people online willing to jump into a pug, run keys, do arenas, go on an achievement run, answer silly questions
Any questions? Need more info? Please message me on Discord at kat#3105
Want to apply? Go to www.arcanum-guild .com
Still looking