8/9N 6/9H Mage Looking for CE Push

Hello! I’m currently a 421 Arcane mage looking to push CE this tier. I am a Ph.D. student and love learning about the fights and killing bosses; hence my current proclivity towards arcane mage :). I almost made CE during 9.0 but took a hiatus and am back to push. I’m willing to transfer, if necessary, to any server. I can raid either two or three nights a week. I can also play all mage specs but am currently playing Arcane for raid and fire for M+. I prefer raiding est and not past 11pm if possible.

Please see my current logs and my 9.0 8/10M CN logs for the best representation of my play. I am always looking to improve and take feedback. I am shooting to parse purple for the majority of my mythic logs this tier!

Battletag: Tomomi#11300

I look forward to chatting!

I think my FR may be full but I tried to add you! Sieara#6473 on disc otherwise.

Would love to talk.
830-1130 eastern(Hard stop at 1130. I know you want 11Est)
6/8M in Vault within 7 weeks of raiding.
Currently 7/9H seeking Mage before starting Mythic and push towards CE

Lets talk
Mortiia#6352 on Disc.

Would love to have a conversation with you, and we are willing to pay for a transfer to our guild if your looking for some fun. my battle.net is Narcel#1956 and my discord is Narcelios#8056

Def interested in your mage and hopefully we can speak soon! Tobyjrqt#9830

Hey there!

I’m from Definitely Gonna Quit on Mal’Ganis, we’re 9/9N, 8/9H and would love to have a mage on our roster!
Our raid days and times are: T/W/Th @ 8:30 CST to 11:30 CST!

I’ve popped you a bnet add, but if that doesn’t work, my
Bnet: Kanpii#1783,
Discord: Kanpii#8020