89.94 + tax cosmetics

yeah dude definitely nobody saw this coming

I gotta say, kinda funny they added an ugly complete transmog set for people with bad taste in that regard.

I always love the people that complain about these types of things because it really shows us how low the bar is.

With a 6 month sub, you pay less per month than with the 1-month and 3-month subs. So, I’m sorry that I can do basic math and get free cosmetics at the same time?

good for you, true fans and subscribers get it free either from subscribing or buying with gold. the only thing costing you $89.94 + tax is your refusal to get it free and instead attack a company which already gave you your delay of SL in which people like that will still complain when it launches whether it was not delayed or delayed up to 7 years like cyberpunk

You bet… It’s a skeezy way to get people to pay 6 months despite the possible quality of sl is Garbo. I’ve unsubbed for large portions of this game when it’s bad.

For a game with a box price and a sub price everything should be rewarded for doing in game activities. I’d be okay if it was a reward you got for doing a questline that took 6 months to do.

Not to mention they also made it an option to just straight up purchase. It’s micro transactions at its finest in a box/sub game. So dumb.

Go check out activision selling 1$ red dots for call of duty. God developers are greedy af. I need dream haven to get rolling.

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It won’t be long until the best looking mogs in the game come from the Blizz store. The more people buy this stuff the worse it’s going to get.

Just to be clear, I don’t really care about the 6-month sub rewards because they’re rarely anything I actually use.

Long-term quests sound ok to me too but I suspect that’d raise a big stink of a different kind on GD (“I pay for this game, why don’t I get my shinies NOW”).

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Thank you for understanding. <3

Bleh… Probably right. People and their need for instant gratification.

The gaming industry and milking whales just annoys me. Not to mention when gaming is doing just fine despite the pandemic and activision keeps letting people go. Honestly I’m probably out… I’m gonna go play breathe of the wild. Nintendo has way more of my respect.

how does a post get flagged with so many likes though?

this system seems like it’s set up to silence those the rabid minority dislike.

you know… the people who can’t handle free speech when it’s being used against them.


Yeah I’m with you there, “whales” of any kind just shouldn’t exist in MMOs. The whole concept is screwed up. Unfortunately I’m not the CEO of a company making an MMO :expressionless:

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you would have to pay me $20 to mog those stupid wings. i can’t say what they really look like because they aren’t worth a 3 day ban either.

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:+1: what can you do?

Let’s pray me shedding light on some who actually understand the issue doesn’t get me forum banned. I’m scared

Because they took away the dislike feature so people just use the report function as a dislike. It’s automated and I don’t think it takes many reports to be silenced.

Eh I’ve gotten "banned’ for dumb things in the past. If you appeal it it gets overturned almost immediately.

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Thank you for the info, I really appreciate you contribution to this thread.

I didn’t really understand how my thread seemed Malicious when I’m just explaining what’s not acceptable for a game model.

When it’s literally up to participant digression if they want to be malicious in a thread.

Seriously, have they seen what Ubisoft charges for Assassin’s Creed stuff?

Imagine being SO upset over a ugly as hell transmog that no one is forcing you to buy

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You’re missing the whole point of the thread. Please re-read until you can grasp it.

I did and the point still stands. You are literally upset like a child over nothing and spewing wild ideas that will more than likely never come to light.