To clear up any confusion from the Title, I have a 389 Spriest and a 389 DK (Blood/Unholy) that I would be willing to raid on. With me, I have a 394 R Druid.
Because I know it potentially matters, both of my toons have 2pcs of tier, and the Druid has 3pcs of tier. I also have 2 CE back to back achieves and an abundance of prior mythic exp, and the druid also has prior mythic raid exp.
We are looking for a Mythic guild, ideally with CE aspirations.
Raid times: 7:30pm/8pm to 10:30pm/11pm. 2 Days or 3 Days is fine.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday are the days we can make.
Please reach out to me if interested!
Discord: Suleredroh#8822
Bnet: Suleredroh#1847