< Death Star Architect > Recruiting Season 2 *Morning Raid Times EST*

< Death Star Architect > of Mal’Ganis is a re-made 3x CE mythic raiding guild from BFA/SL days.

Our goal Season 2 is to get back into CE form with an established core, getting that CE in a more timely manner (Re-formed November of S1, 4/8M with 40% Kyveza prog).

Raid times:
Wednesday 6:30am to 9:00am EST
Friday 6:30am to 9:00am EST

If you’re a WFH’er, super night owl (OCE welcome) or early riser looking for challenging content, this guild is for you!

Overall, this is relaxed, mid-core and non-toxic environment for mythic raiders that have a serious attitude when it comes to progression. Our goal is create a culture that allows gamers to enjoy the game, fitting in to a busy adult schedule.

Recruiting for Season 2:
DPS warrior (arms/fury)

All exceptional players looking for a long-term raiding home feel free to apply

Best way to contact us for questions is discord:
shalor_1 (GM)
barefall (Recruiting Officer)

You can also apply here directly:
h ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejXufUglxfc3Nwc4WuoMmqklpiIt0zK1c8tAZuebVF1hM1gQ/viewform?usp=sharing

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Used to raid with Shal back in the BFA/SL days when we got multiple CE’s, great player and raid leader. Glad to be back building up a new squad to tackle all The War Within content. Would love some big gamers to join us!

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Come join us! Still looking for 2 healers (rsham and hpally preferred) and exceptional dps.

We are making some good progress filling out the group but still have some slots open!

Bumping this post - still looking for raiders and we tackle mythic prog! 2/8M so far

We still have room for a WW/DH and evoker! We have some great vibes going and would love to add some additional players to the ranks.

Bumping this up! Still heavily recruiting a DH and WW for our mythic prog team.

Do DHs or WW exist? We would love to find out! Please hit us up if you’d like to do some mythic prog.

Still looking for stellar dps, have 2 spots open! (calling all WWs and Havoc DHs) come get some mythic prog

We would love some more DPS/great healers! Shoot me a message, we raid tomorrow morning!

Now just hunting our last DPS spot - all stellar dps please apply :slight_smile:

Still looking for an all-star healer and dps! Please reach out!

Down to 1 healing spot open - all stellar healers feel free to message us or apply!

We now have a full roster, but definitely keeping an eye on exceptional DPS who want home for CE in Season 2! Feel free to reach out!

Updated to recruiting various roles going into S2! Room for 1 DPS and 1 Tank on the remainder of this tier - come kill Kyveza with us :fire:

We are now on the look for a tank, heals, and dps THIS TIER! We are starting to get into deeper prog, come kill Ky’veza!

Tank found! Looking for 1 core healer and 1 core dps to rock with us through S1. 69% on M Kyveza

Still looking for another healer and DPS for Kyveza prog! We are hunting for that kill! Come apply!

Taking a break for the holiday week - but still hunting 1 core healer and 1 core DPS for mythic raid resuming 1/1/25!

We are resuming this next coming week! Looking to still fill a dps/tank, and healer! All are welcome to apply. Let’s get that ky’veza kill :eyes: