Hey there! We’re a bit earlier than you’re looking at, but check us out below. We have CE in previous tiers, reformed middle of this season with CE goals next tier:
< Death Star Architect > of Mal’Ganis is a re-made 3x CE mythic raiding guild from BFA/SL days.
We’re returning with some past mythic raiders, sitting at 4/8M, actively recruiting for more for mythic content. Our goal this tier is to reach 4/8M-6/8M, with deeper prog upside. Next tier, our goal is to get back into CE form with that established core, getting CE in a more timely manner.
Raid times:
Wednesday 6:30am to 9:00am EST
Friday 6:30am to 9:00am EST
If you’re a WFH’er, super night owl …