Kul Tiran and Zandalari Unlock Requirements

I know this doesn’t have to do with the unlock BUT Can we see more Zandalari Druid Colors to match our hair. Like for example if I have black hair can I get a black Flight Form and Travel Form Not just a black Aquatic form? In addition Can you do all hair to match the form you turn into Like if you have Red hair for a red Skin color flight form, travel form, bear form, cat form, etc.

“I know this doesn’t have to do with the unlock BUT Can we see more Zandalari Druid Colors to match our hair. Like for example if I have black hair can I get a black Flight Form and Travel Form Not just a black Aquatic form? In addition Can you do all hair to match the form you turn into Like if you have Red hair for a red Skin color flight form, travel form, bear form, cat form, etc.”

What a great IDEA!

I am trying to unlock the Mag’Har Orcs on the Horde side. I have been pretty slow getting the Alliance side of these achievements done. But, I have Horde Done, and I’ve completed the Pathfinder 1, I am able to create 3 out of the 4 new allied races on the Horde side, but I can’t figure out why the Mag’Har Orc won’t let me create this one yet? Any Ideas?

Do you have the Ready for War achievement earned on a Horde character and are you exalted with the Honorbond faction? Have you done the recruitment quest in the Horde Embassy in Orgrimmar?

I have all three of those achievements on Horde, but I cannot roll a Zandalari toon. I haven’t played for a bit, so is there something else I need to do?

Once those are complete, you need to do the quest chain to unlock them. It’s at the emissary area in Orgrimmar.

How BfA shoulda started:

-Recruiting the KT/Zanda would have been better lead in stories for this expansion IMO…for both us and the developers. They should have started with one to two months worth of questing and pre expansion stuff; basically us setting our foothold in the main towns, meeting these people, remembering them and having various flashbacks from people’s point’s of views. Maybe some early profession stuff and early xp.

-This would have easily bought them a good 2-4 months where no one would have complained about time gates because we would have been leveling our new allied races, running alts through prequests/catch up…etc…
They coulda used that time to work on bugs and/or polish the expansion/az system before it they became problems…

Instead we got a full expansion based around maximizing the amt of money they can bring in by time gating the only decent features they could come up with.

Why are the two factions so imbalanced here?

The Horde can complete the War Campaign entirely solo to get the Trolls, while the Alliance have to do FOUR dungeons before they can unlock their new race.


I think BoD was originally required for it, but they removed it for whatever reason.

Completing it for 1 faction should unlock for both factions.

Just my opinion.


Curious to know what thoughts went into this as-well.

Pride of KT seemed to cover a lot of bases.

Someone may have asked this already, but is it possible to work towards the requirements on different characters?

So, as in if one character got exalted with Zandalari Empire rep, but another finished the Tides of Vengeance and Zandalar Forever achievements, would I be able to unlock the Zandalari Race?

I’m going to say yes as the achievements are account-wide.

Yeah and your the only person playing BFA. LOL

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Please make the Allied Races unlock for both factions when you do it for one or at least let it remove the faction requirement. I did Mah’gar and Zandalari on my Horde main. I wasn’t enthused about the rep grind, but no big deal.

Now, I’m trying to unlock Kul Tirans and it is so boring. I had fun going through the quest lines in each zone, seeing the other half of the story, but having to grind out Pridemoore to exalted AND 7th Legion to Revered (for the War Campaign) is brutal. Even with DMF buff + doing emissaries, it’s tedious, takes forever, and it’s just not fun at all.

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And bought into their delay to purposely push it back 8 months to get an extra 8x$15 bucks out of you and everyone else. Way to go. You’re helping them make fools out of you.

I was playing and having fun in that time regardless of unlocking the ARs.

It’s an MMO, more races give more customization = more fun, I’d say make them a playable race quickly. Hozen, Vulpera, Thin Kultiran Humans. All these should be playable. More people would play Warcraft. More people = more fun.
Increase our model options

The queen had a chance to betray the horde leader Slyvannas but she did not, she stated loyal to her and therefore should be horde. She even mentioned that the horde done a lot for the zandalari.

Why can’t we play as Skinny Kultiran models!? People want this and they are Kultirans. Add them in ASAP please… thanks.