8/8 N 3/8 H (5% on Stix) - <The Hunter x Association> Recruiting for AOTC and CE

Guild & Server: The Hunter x Association - Tichondrius (Tons of cross realm though) Raid Times & Days: Wednesday 7 PM to 10 PM and Friday 7 PM to 10 PM.

Current Progress: 8/8 N and 3/8 H with a 5% wipe on Stix. Tons of us are already AOTC though. Recruitment

Contact: replayablecontent ← on discord

Application: Send a DM

Requirements: Team player, vibe with the homies, drive to progress.

Needs: RDPS > MDPS > HEALERS // TANKS. The only role we’re currently full on is Tanks.

Other: We have 2 groups that are pushing M+ keys that are doing extremely well and are always looking for more people. We provide Raid Bots in the discord with the full “skip the line” package as well as WoW Audit at the fastest refresh rate. Any other inquiry, just DM me!