8/8 H 620 Shadow priest looking for a home!

Hiya my name is van and I’m currently looking for a new place to call home. Due to my work schedule changing I can no longer make my raid teams current times. so, there was no bad blood there or any form of drama. I’m Looking for a guild that pushes content I’d like to do mythic progression. I don’t mind regression as long as it’s with a good group of players and doesn’t take too long to return to it. outside of raid I want sense of community. so talkative discord, Mythic plus Ect. I’m looking for a Wednesday Thursday guild. times don’t matter can make them if there those days. Also, before anyone askes I play Shadow I do not Play disc or holy :). I’m a dps not a heals! - thank you for reading- my btag is demonistics#1454, my discord name is groisaweeb
its best to message me on discord I can send my logs from there !

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Hey Van we are recruiting to expand our core team to get into mythic raiding soon. We’re 8/8H and need DPS and Healers.

If you’re interested - we’re called on Proudmoore

you can add me on btag @Kimore#11606

Added ya look forward to our chat

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Hello! I am Nakkita, lead recruiter for Eclipsed on Stormrage…our newest team, Team Voyager, is looking for solid players for their core…they have a focus on mythic prog…if you are available to raid Wednesday’s and Monday’s from 8-11pm EST and are interested please contact me at my Discord: nakkita76 thank you