Started on a West Coast server to play with some friends from Vanilla. Those people left so now I would like to move to times that would allow me not to be raiding until 2:30 AM EST. MC/Ony/BWL all cleared.
Please hit me up here and I’ll reach out to you.
Thank you.
Hello Valestrye,
I know you don’t want to raid on West Coast times but we end our raids well before the limit. We raid Tues/Weds 6:00-9:00PM PST and would love to add another Holy Priest to our roster
Here is our recruitment post : [H][Whitemane]<Wrecked>Semi Hardcore LF Hunters + AQ40farm/Naxx - #18 by Agarious-tichondrius
Looking forward to speaking with you!
We’re a west coast guild, but we don’t raid until 2:30 est if you’re interested in a guild led by leadership with knowledge of all content in vanilla/classic. We’re currently building a roster in a new guild after some serious e-girlfriend drama from our former GM
We are in need of a priest for a core spot. #1 Horde guild on Pagle. We cleared BWL first night it was out and MC in 38 mins pre BWL. We raid Tues-Thurs 9-12 Server (EST). Can add me Dracs#1320 on battle net or see us at www,surreal-pagle,com
If your interested you could contact me in game, or discord and we could talk about my guild and what we offer you. I don’t want to get too in depth here but we can chat.
I think you’d have a fun time with our team and with us.
Guild: Rebirth
Progression: 8/8 BWL, 10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony
Raid Day: Thursday @ 7PM EST (BWL), and then Wednesday @7PM EST (MC/Ony)
Game ID: BellCrannel#11789
Discord: JYd8F2P