8/8 bwl exper hunter lf raiding guild

i know the fights iv been a raider since vanilla clearing everything . im 8/8 bwl and raid geared ready to dps for you! Jea-mankirk

on Kurinnaxx could use your services. We are 8/8 BWL. Raid night Tues/Thurs 6-9 PST.

Discord- Serge#0876
In game- Serge

a friend had me play horde…now he dosent play lol!

Hey there!

We are currently looking for a hunter if you are interested! We raid Tues/Weds 6:00-9:00PM PST Horde on Whitemane here is our recruitment post: [H][Whitemane]<Wrecked>Semi Hardcore LF Hunters + AQ40farm/Naxx

Looking forward to speaking with you!

Should you be available to raid weekday daytimes we are currently recruiting to fill an empty hunter core raider slot.

Hi Jea!
Curious if you were still lookin?
We’re super close knit 8/8 weekend morning raid guild on Benidection (EST) and we’re just now looking for 1 more hunter to join us for the long haul.
Please feel free to pop in and say hi! discord . gg/KKFeGFu

(H) - Faerlina - Weekends 8pst/11est

all classes and have core spots available however we are especially looking for a holy priest, resto shaman and a hunter for the BWL team.

We raid fri sat sun as needed to clear all content with invites going out around 10:30 est.


Feel free to drop in discord and show your interest, ask questions and bring logs if you think you might be a good fit!