8.3.5 rewards, Possible april fools joke?

possible april fools joke from blizzard but still interesting to watch

please pat my head


wish this was real

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I’m going with April Fools from wowhead since they didn’t post their normal several posts with different types of datamined information.

Thanks for mentioning april fools in the title so people won’t get confused when they inevitably skip the first post.



i didnt want to get people’s hopes up, that would be cruel.

also yay headpats!

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/headpat im sure they’re just trying to make levity of the situation, been long enough to not trust anything that blizz posts around this date.

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Yeah i’m going with April fools. Ion did come out and say there are no plans for 8.3.5 anytime soon.

That said, we have seen things that were April fools jokes make their way in game. Such as a dungeon needing a light source to travel through. Points to the last section of Vault of the Wardens.

I’m a little unclear - it seems obvious to me that if this is a joke, it would be a joke by WoWhead, not Blizzard.

Blizzard April Fools jokes are actual jokes - that is to say, they’re designed to be funny.

These are just… lies? There’s nothing funny about them, with the possible exception of the surfboard. They’re just incorrect information. Or possibly correct information.

Probably an April’s Fools joke. :frowning:

Idk. I laughed a little at the Saurfang necklace.

This first video’s soundtrack starts out wanting to be Night on Bald Mountain, then it tries to turn into the BWV 582 passacaglia, but it never quite gets to either one, and waiting for the sound to drop is driving my crazy.

I’d say April Fools joke, but I’m struggling to remember the last time Blizzard did that.

ngl necklaces with actual appearances on your character model is a long time overdue

Surfboard mount also very dope, raw, wicked, gnarly. Would use.

the necklaces are actually really cool. Everything there except the Surfboards look awesome but it’s Ellemayne and Shalla’tor that indicates this is a Joke to me.
Blizzard would NEVER give these as common appearances to players, especially to Alliance ONLY.

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something cool and exclusive for alliance? haha good one! everyone is laughting!

what a F*** JOKE! haha!

Why not? People said that about ashbringer and doomhammer but then legion happened obviously.

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And look how that turned out. Yeah, Blizzard isn’t going to make that mistake AGAIN.

My chuckle was with the Nz’goth infested parrot.

I don’t remember it too much as I was fiddling with the audio system on the Hackintosh I was viewing it on.

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Figured this was the best place for this.

Doom duration increased to be a really long time, but not so long that you’d call it eternal.

Shaking a Druid while in Tree of Life form now has a chance to spawn a swarm of angry wasps.

I admit it, I laughed.

not sure if this is a april fools joke, but here you go