8.3 proves devs have learned nothing. More grind and timegates

I just had a whole conversation with my partner (who is also super into wow) that basically boiled down to this sentence. Thanks for saying it better than I ever could.

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This patch should be called the “BARRIER TO ENTRY PATCH”. It goes from one wall to another. Farm rep, rank up cloak, run dungeons, Azerite grind islnads, PVP honor to get essences, keep up with weekly changes to your class. etc etc. This feels horrible. Heck I’m a warlock so after all that I will still have to make my own group because no one invites non FOTM classes. TY BLIZZ


Would you like some chips and vinegar with all that salt?

Honesty OP, if you hate the game this much, why are you still here? Go play something else and stop wasting your time.

Not all. Yes I use the game for escape. But
I got Basic cloak, the gimme gear from basic quest string and am happy. Don’t want to grind
don’t grind. I dislike grind. So I will just take the basic low hanging fruit and chill.

Works nice in not bleeding edge gameplay .

And I never ever have to worry about back slot again till end of this expac.

Now I just need to pick one of many ve I have and corrupt them and not care for rp fun.

Dude you gonna fix that corruption? Nope
as long as she can run basic wq rotations for money it can be a corruption filled journey of void elf rp fun lol.

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  1. Chips with salt and vinegar are my favorite uwu

  2. Sub ends feb 10 since i had pre preemptively used two tokens expecting to play 8.3, so might as well get some value out of my sub from the forums xD

  3. I already am playing a more fun game with superior systems, just look at my fabulous char
    https:// imgur .com/a/xn3czHa

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8.3 was released when most people were back at work for their first week of the year.

It’s a very clever method of soft timegating that many people would not pick up on.

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In your haste to troll, you failed to realize that I agreed with you. Such a pity. It’s that uneducated desire to attack players, rather than problems that exist in the game; that time and again cause the most damage.

Yep wouldn’t be surprised if this was another reason they chose that, we know full well they don’t care about Christmas vacations or families and only idiots fell for that excuse

The kind of people Blizzard employees these days doesn’t celebrate christmas.

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Yeah look at when older expansion were launched and the hotfixes that followed the weeks after.

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Shrug That sounds like a them problem. The reason I said as much is because the poster I quoted’s response to me made it seem as though he thought I was holding a contrary position to him. Truth be told I’ve yet to come down on a side on the whole debacle. I’m not out here trying to push some agenda on a video game forum.

Personally I find it much more refreshing when people make conversations based on what people actually say rather than what they try to suss out of their conversation partner so I do make every attempt to be as clear as possible in these sorts of things. But I guess I can see why you’d see my tone as deceptive.

If you want to ascribe different motives to me than what I literally tell you they are that’s fine, you’d just be wrong.

Trust me, I agree.

Corruption mechanics feel like a step to the actual worse-
We told them Titan/Warforging was terrible and they responded by adding a negative effect with the positive effect so that now we’re double RNGing our equipment, looking for both a high forge and low corruption

What’s worse is Blizz calls that a positive change- See? No More Titanforging.

Nightfallen Allied Race broadcast this so loud and clear at the very start, and most ARs have had similar short-cuts in their creation.

Shadowlands Convenants may be another step to the worse if they really don’t intend on balancing them as Blizzcon interviews suggested.

not like this at all.

To be honest, outside the opening quest line taking hours. With you only able to gain rank 6 this week and progressively 1 level a week. Outside essences (which are tossed at us this patch anyway) this patch is very alt friendly. Theres only so much you can do on your main to gain power before your done for the week. I’ve gotten 4 characters up to rank 5 cloak and with the new essences. Plus if it’s a new character thier given level 50 neck when you unlock essences.

Aside from 8.2 essences this patch is easy to get alts going now.

This sums up so much of why I won’t buy Shadowlands. They said they’d make classes more like classic, so your priest can heal, mindblast, or shield regardless of spec. I’ll believe it when I see it.


Yep, like how Ion kept referring to mage’s Alter time that would make an impact as a CD but instead in Blizzcon they did not mention that instead said how they ll bring back useless abilities like frostbolt or arcane explosion, both which not be affected and buffed by the many passives of your spec for example making them utterly worthless outside of ultra niche scenarios.

They really cant be trusted, and with 8.3 literally doubling down on BfA’s worst parts, if they dont extend the release date and start focusing more on content instead of grinds i might not even bother.

This is why I haven’t pre-ordered SL yet, actions speak louder than words, unless they decide to make this expansion more alt friendly, I honestly can’t believe they would make SL alt friendly.

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i call it the Visions of Nicoderm Patch because its helping tons of people to quit their addiction

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Anyone that has played WoW for a decent length of time is aware of what WoW used to stand for.