8.3 proves devs have learned nothing. More grind and timegates

That’s what I said. Yes, $20 is more than $15.

And it will only continue…

WoW’s population is very low. The only way to make a profit with that little of sub base is to timegate and encourage micro transactions.

Classic was created for those loyal Blizz customers that just couldn’t stand it anymore.

Retail isn’t going to change in the short term…


I agree…They know we don’t like the way they are doing content and they don’t care. They stated publicly they know we hate the way they are doing time gating, rng etc…and they are doubling down on it. SL will be no different.

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Every mmo games that out there has always a grind fest. Today generation, everyone has become very lazy and they feels entitled to get whatever they want without working for it. It’s sad but true.

They lied through their teeth at Blizzcon to deliver this MESS. What an absolute joke of a patch.


I won’t disagree that there are entitled people who want things without working for them. But I think the key difference is that the grind always had a point or a goal…something people WANTED. These grinds are ones people didn’t ask for, don’t want, and aren’t FUN…they are literally just trying to stretch out play time. Grinding for something you want is VERY different than grinding because you have to do it to stay relevant. And it isn’t fun…and they know we don’t like it…but they make you do it anyway to stay relevant.


I wish there was something to grind for. Hunting down rares for a few coalescing visions is annoying, even more so without rarescanner or coords addons. And most of the time the mob is dead by the time you get there. They should just let us grind regular assault mobs for coalescing visions. Anyways with what we have, it’s not worth playing until shadowlands. I have enough sub time to play the new raid, so I’ll do that then quit til next xpack.

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It is you who is to provide evidence pointing this direction and thus try and change our minds.

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It may have been before, now our lives tend to be the scapegoat for how bad our scapegoat is.

Yeah, I never complained about any grinds before. This stuff they are doing now though…this is kinda getting ridiculous.


Not all of them have 100% grind for layered RNG all the time. Most have moderate grinds and I know because I play most MMOs out there.

Your generational smear may be appropriate and applicable in other contexts.

However I’m a grownup with kids and a busy career, bills to pay and a house to maintain and I’m damned if I want to “work” when I log in to play a game for entertainment.


This. I’m on the verge of being gone already, but I do have friends sill playing and I hate to leave them again. So I’ll hang in for a bit longer, but realistically, once I get bored enough with it, I’ll probably unsub till SL. And like you said, if it’s grindy and heavily time gated, then I’m out for good until major leadership changes are made at Blizzard.


The budget and talent are just gone. Blizz is penny pinching trying to maximize re-subs/transactions at a minimal cost.

The game is definitely in ‘maintenance mode.’ I don’t think they are going to change anything in the future. They are just going to spend as little as possible keeping the game barely alive until it is dead.

I see the elimination of class tier sets as symbolic of this development shift. And if they don’t reintroduce them with Shadowlands (I don’t think they are), there is zero chance that their overall design philosophy will change.


BFA has now become the testing ground for idea’s that are not fully thought thru from more then one perspective.

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Its important for you to focus on your family more than playing this game. It’s a harsh reality but you be there for your kids.

Thank you SO very much for your “life” advice. I’ve however, been alive long enough and in control of my own affairs for decades now and don’t need any advice whatsoever from the likes of you.


Ion is a garbo dev and needs to go. Lawyer dev what a joke.


Actually, the game is in mud-whimping mode.

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I love when they add levels of complexity. It’s what makes a game… a game.

It dose made me wonder why kids are disrespectful towards adults…now I know.