8.3 Known Issues and Information

same here. cant do more than 1 corrupted.

Where’s the “If you change factions or transfer your character to a new server, MOTHER’s Titanic Research will revert some choices and the Corrupted Mememtos spent are lost”? The customer service channel has acknowledged the problem and the devs are working on it. Seems like something that should be listed here.

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Pet pathing in the fury of nzoth encounter. Raid team had to drop me because I was basically DPS castrated due to pet just stalling in the middle of the room. Dismiss/resummon would work for a few seconds or more, but then would go right back to the same problem. Meanwhile, casting dismiss pet, I am watching my dps plummet on the meters. Look at this ASAP please. You basically took out a complete class with this encounter.

Another issue, for leveling characters: the farm in Halfhill is unable to advance, instead getting stuck and constantly looping the ‘farm expanding’ buff each time you go to it, been stuck at this for 2 days now

We have confirmation that the Horde quest Scouting Report: Hostile Natives could be completed as of 1-30-20. Please try again if you’ve been blocked. We’re also looking for confirmation the Alliance SI:7 equivalent can be completed.

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Female worgen characters are still missing the lighting effect from their selection of faces that contain glowing eyes.

“Invalid Target” bug still a problem. It doesn’t matter that all my targets are part of the quests I do, I still get that error message across my screen


@Medie, this is something our entire guild has been aware of since a while back. We now are telling folks to leave the raid group if they are working on a quest because they will not get credit for it while still listed in raid.

Its unfortunate but its been around for a while now and I do not think anything will ever be done about it.

Maut agility weapon is scaling correctly with character secondary stats.

Pity the Fool achievement for Love is in the Air is not completable at the moment.

It won’t complete the objective to pity the fool in Arathi Basin blacksmith building. Can this be fixed? If not can we at least remove this part from the achievement so players can finish it?

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Seem you are alt-tabbing durring a loading screen, which is the primary cause for me of this effect.

he isn’t showing up for any of my characters…

@Tihealy, no I do not alt-tab anything. I have dual screens, so if I need to search outside the game, I just go to my second screen.

And how does this affect doing quests while still in a raid group? I’ve personally had to leave the raid group when I had a quest I needed to finish before raid time, because the first time I tried it, I got no credit for it. And I am not the only person experiencing this for general quests.

The only time we as a raid group got credit for a particular quest was one that included said raid objective.

For information you can see Blizz’s response here.

The hotfix on January 29th did not Fix the Lucid Dreams minor for Frost mages. It states :

Heart of Azeroth

  • Corrected an issue with Memory of Lucid Dreams (Essence) that caused Frost Mages’ icicle buff counter and visual display to sometimes not match up when using its on-use effect.

This effect is not an On use. It’s the minor not the major that was interacting incorrectly. This effect is a passive that happens randomly from any spellcast. The minor is acting very weird. Some of the time you will get a buff from it and a physical icicle over your character or only get the icicle and not the buff. Its very frustrating trying to cast glacial spike with 5 icicles over your head but not enough icicle buffs to allow it.

Yep. I’ve sent in a bug report on this issue every single day, but still no word on a fix. I guess the mindset is “wHy dOn’T yOu jUsT pLaY fIrE? iT’s bEtTeR aNyWaY”

Switch Hitter not working for Resto spec so far. Haven’t checked any other spec.

Constant locked in combat bug, even after using Invisibility and running back to town inns.

Nyeleth, void elf priest on Malfurion, cannot log in. i levelled her up to 101 and was getting fps in Gorgrond when all npcs dissappeared. i couldn’t get fp or complete a Q there. when i tried to hearth out it just put my hearth on cd. all 3 of them! closed program, tried to log in, as soon as it’s done loading it kicks me back to toon select saying “a character with that name already exists.” i’ve played her all xpac and haven’t changed her name nor changed servers. sorry to post this here EVERY other place was just a continuous loop of more articles [in-game and here] without the ability to ACTUALLY open a ticket or report a bug.

i cannot complete the lich king fight, he is at 1% all dialogue has finished and its just the lich king floating in the vortex while fordring and menethil swing at him, also i never died during the scripted death event

Lots of bugs happening since I started playing last week, mostly in BFA content.

  • My character is in the middle of a fight (PVE) and then is suddenly launched through the air.
  • NPCs I’m fighting will randomly die even if I haven’t hit them.
  • Have to abandon and restart lots of quests in BFA. Had to do this ~10 min ago with New Order from Lucille Waycrest. So far, picking up the quests again fixed the progression issues.
  • Just now took the boat from Boralus to SW and when the game loaded I was in the middle of the Hillsbrad Foothills map… Haven’t even been there on this character.