8.3 is a failure for some, what games are you gonna be playing instead?

Would suggest reading that post about Swtor. WoW has lost a lot of its pvp death with the pruning, while Swtor classes are unprinted with a huge toolkit.

Casual pvp is fun as hell and due to scaling there’s no person that roflstomps others with double or triple the health of low geared playwrs

Entirely accurate, classes are no longer unique. It’s just fotm re-rolls now with some specs/classes remaining entirely irrelevant for long stretches of time.

So when they double/triple down on the things they said publicly they know we hate and they will work on…we are babies for not liking it? I think a lot of people were expecting not sweeping gameplay changes but at least stopping the downward slide that is the crapfest of BFA…y’know trying to fix the mistakes and change them (at least start the change) instead of doing the same thing they know we don’t like.

In Response to Pyxzil:

Classic saved WoW, just let that sink in for a second. All of a sudden the next expansion is going back to it’s roots? I used to be a fan of Blizzard when they had quality content. If they can do it again I’ll gladly give their content a try.

Not all critcism is just noise. I can’t imagine the kind of lives people live when they can’t handle any criticism directed at them; but will gladly go into over drive to break someone else down.

See, that’s akin to someone telling you that you’re a douche, but your counterargument is “but that personality flaw is integral to its design.” We know the problem, and that’s the first step in correcting it.

Granted, BFA has a laundry list of issues, but 8.3 really didn’t address any of them. It could have thrown the players a bone and coughed up account-wide Essences (even if they were all level 1), but they didn’t.

The good news is, Shadowlands comes out in, what 8-9 months? That’s more than enough time to get an alt up to speed. The bad news is…we gotta put up with BFA for 8-9 more months.

Trying classic instead through this patch, unless that changes, but as of today not being in the arena I would be behind, lol. Like WoW cares.

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Wait, people still play retail?

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After the crapshow that this patch has been, Ive finally given up. FF14 has been my savior since last week. There is life after Azeroth folks, and its actually pretty good.

I’m gonna play ESO when I upgrade my PC. I might return for Shadowlands if it’s not terrible.

raids with pugs is really fun game. I like it when nobody knows what to do :sweat_smile:

TemTem which is a pokemon like MMORPG

I dont like the corrupted system but also the 4 layers of gear now (neck, azerite traits, cloak AND corrupted gear). I just wish gear was simple like it used to be. Anyways I dont plan to play for a long time, the longest ive been away was from 2011 to 2015. Ive been playing games from xbox one ultimate game pass which has been The Outer Worlds, We Happy Few, mortal kombat XL, farming simulator, Crackdown 3, and ive got many more downloaded waiting to play. I will miss my friends from the game but a break is needed for me.

I was thinking the same for Shadowlands, but after seeing the reviews of what is known, or guessed, of Torgast, it looks to be much the same layering of “voluntary” grinds that stand between me and the arena. I went ahead and purchased Shadowlands, but just today cancelled my subscription. I have played only WoW since Firelands, so, I too am now looking, but I am looking for PVP, and I am not seeing that anywhere out there to the level PVP was available in WoW. Now it is PVEPVP. Blah. That’s just me, and there are relatively few PVP only players who were willing to do some kind of grind out side the arena, but today it is just SOOOOOOO much. So, what else is my is my cash. So, thanks for that Activision.

Again: Metzen and Ghostcrawler, save us!!! LOL

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Exactly, I said this on one of my alts on the PVP board today:

The neck progression is typical and fine, but it is now:

Dailies, and assault, daily vision, then hope you have enough to get a vessell, then do enough horrific visions to level the cloak and get the tokens to get the essense. Also, remember the neck progression. Then, play arena…if you have time. Being in arena gear only was fine in the past, but now we have so many purchased M+, or otherwise, geared folks becoming overnight rock starts.

Guardian druid, please. But, they can sail at least up to duelist. Blah

Oh, and great name, Lemy forever![quote=“Mötorhead-emerald-dream, post:33, topic:411171, full:true”]
I dont like the corrupted system but also the 4 layers of gear now (neck, azerite traits, cloak AND corrupted gear). I just wish gear was simple like it used to be. Anyways I dont plan to play for a long time, the longest ive been away was from 2011 to 2015. Ive been playing games from xbox one ultimate game pass which has been The Outer Worlds, We Happy Few, mortal kombat XL, farming simulator, Crackdown 3, and ive got many more downloaded waiting to play. I will miss my friends from the game but a break is needed for me.

I agree on all that. For me, being a life long PVP player always well above 1500, as you say, this DOES change the game for me. How would it be if PVE people were required to get 1800 for the best essence? Holy-F would there be panic in the streets. Yet, above 2000, you largely have players with M10+ gear and it DOES make a difference. They simply hit harder and have various gear related tricks.

As I have said since the start of this: Raiders dont want our PVP gear in their Raids and the same should be the case in the Arena. Let us get the glad gear like we do and play our game, or give us things we can win there to make up for what they now allow into instanced competitive games.

Not all of us have the desire to buy the gametime token, to buy the carry, to get the gear, because we never did stuff like that in the first place. I remember being scolded by someone once for “selling” help for conquest caps for folks in trade, but today, holy smokes, you can sell anything with the gold you BUY via the auction house. That, was the first and biggest mistake: gametime tokens, it created an elitist cottage industry and thrives on servers such as Sargeras.

Riiiiight. I’m sure there are things you failed to mention along with that. lol

Also, most folks aren’t interested in trash arena/rated but would just like a good gearing system for PvP (BGs and wPvP) such that their gear will be competitive with/better than PvE gear.

Animal Crossing and FIFA