82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

Your other account in NA?

Who cares how many short pointless thank you threads you link. How about you look at the two different lengthy posts with thousands of responses explaining all the issues.

We’ve wanted wod gearing since it went away and Blizzard knows it. Hence in 9.1 they announced “wod like” gearing. Such a joke man.

Pvpers haven’t gotten close to what they want. Hence the population is dead as a doornob. Ironically in wod, an expansion they abandoned and pvers quit in droves, still had more pvpers than now.

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It would be easy to mitigate the disparity but it’z hard to design a system that’s not exploitable. Some specs do better at lower vs. higher ilvl and scale differently, and one could argue trying to fix the issue would cause even greater imbalances. Finally, ilvl isn’t the only source of power.

Lol no it wouldn’t… In fact it would probably be easier to balance because you wouldn’t have such insanely massive jumps in power throughout a season. They could balance a spec off what happened last season instead of what something might do with a massive jump in power.

This has got to be one of the craziest things I’ve read to date.

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You’re still specializing in disinformation ignoring the biggest PvP threads with thousands of complaints about gearing and way too much pve required

You’re wrong all day, you’re apparently on some kind of agenda and ignoring facts for your bias

You’re grossly out of touch from the majority of pvp players or are just intentionally trolling

Anyone could post links to HUNDREDS of pvp posts hating the progression and gearing

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Yep and it wouldn’t be hard either to fix it.

  • Make honor gear one rank and that should be around 30Ilvls below the max you can get.
  • Then make the gaps in conquest gear upgrades are only 5 Ilvl’s instead of the 7 they are now (so around 6 upgrades needed)
  • Remove rating locking from PvP gear, and just make it so you just get more conquest/honor the higher rated you are.
  • Add in catch up mechanics for honor/conquest from week 2 of the season.

Done and dusted, PvP is a lot more tolerable/fun than it is now without having to balance classes at all.

I’m going to assume English isn’t your first language, so I can forgive missing the meaning, but no one is saying this.

You got the one rank right… 30 ilvls lower is way to much though.

Naw… Just make it one set. No upgrades. It will still take a long time to fully gear with the current system.

Yes. Absolutely.

Also yes. Still less important for me though as the above 2. Stop upgrades and stop rating locked gear. I instantly start queing.

We have wod scaling already. They just need to go full wod on PvP.

Quest gear 220
Honor/normal raid/m0-9 230
Conquest/heroic raid/m10-15 240

PvP becomes way more enjoyable with that. Closer gear gaps would make it so casual BG only players would still be having fun simply because they would only be at a minor disadvantage.